TODO: Add coverage stats some day.
It is quite opinionated, so feel free - to make suggestions to improve it.
Just a quick special thanks to the following for motivating me to do this.
- 👏 My self of course 😉 ,
- 👏 Mario Tacke ,
- 👏 Bogdan Savluk ,
- 👏 Fábio Miranda
Includes following:
- Webpack 2 (modules, assets bundling)
- babel (ES2015 support)
- ng-annotate
- node-sass for styles + AutoPrefixer
- karma test runner configuration with code coverage reports
- Bootstrap 4, because... you know why.
- Angular-UI-Bootstrap, sure, why not add one more commonly used plugin too.
- (TESTING) GitHub Actions
- NodeJS 6+ is required.
- Yarn is optional to use, but I recommend using it. (if no - npm is ok).
- Windows requires Python2 for node-sass
- Chocolatey is recommended to use on Windows for package management
- Recommended to use yarn
npm -g i yarn
choco install yarn
- Redux-CLI for generating component. Install globally
npm i redux-cli -g
- then use
redux g component SimpleButton
for blueprinting
- then use
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Start dev server
yarn dev
open http://localhost:2992 - Lint your code
yarn run lint
- Run unit tests
yarn run test
- Create build for deployment
yarn run build
for production build, oryarn run build-dev
for development build
To analyze your bundle size - Recommend using Webpack Bundle Analyzer
Currently dev stats for the Webpack console output is minimized in the webpack-dev-server.config.js
file. Change it as one see's fit.
At first be sure that you are familiar with ES2015, some other useful materials:
- tutorial from BabelJS
- Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the next version of JavaScript by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Read Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide - it is important to know, what is good and what is not, and why.
At least briefly read webpack documentation it is crucial to understand how it works in general.
It also recommended you understand a little about state management and Redux since this employs those paradigms.
Managing state with redux:
One Way data binding
├── build # build stats
├── public # public folder (webroot for dev server)
│ ├── _assets # build results - assets packed by webpack
│ └── index.html # one of app entry points, for dev server
└── src # app sources
├── components # dumb components (Reusable pieces the containers boss around.)
├── containers # smart containers (Controller / ViewModel logic.)
├── pages # ui-view content (Pages are where the C and C come together.)
├── reducers # redux state machine ([re]Ducks format - actions, constants and reducers in one. Oh my!)
├── services # services to talk to an API
├── styles # styles entry point
│ ├── index.scss # main style entry point
│ ├── imports.scss # main import file for your sass
├── index.js # app entry module
└── index.test.js # entry point for test karma
Except my notes below(which could be incomplete and outdated, and again shamelessly opinionated), I highly encourage you to check out:
- Influenced by Angular 1.x styleguide, by Todd Motto
..." but what about Jon Papa, or Dan Wahlin?!"
Did I mention this was opinionated?
Application organization rules:
- Split app into angular "Containers and Components that live inside of pages."
- every C or C should have its own folder, and should be defined in one file which will require all module components and will export module name
- containers can have nested components
- module can require other modules which are direct siblings of it or parent modules, or modules nested in it (if you need to require module that is nested in "sibling" - you you should move it up by hierarchy before requiring it)
- Keep components small - if a components is too big, maybe it should be a few components (Code smell ?)
- Every C and C should have:
- index
- named_thingy.component
- named_thingy.controller
- named_thingy.html
- named_thingy.scss
- img folder for images if any
- Group related resources by folders
- Name files with suffixes
- Use
suffix for test file names - Use SASS/SCSS for styles
- Prefer to use isolated scopes
- Use controllerAs syntax (vm is preferred)
- Controller should act as ViewModel, use $scope only if you need it
- All model layer (data fetching, business logic) should be in services