Manipulate palettes of colors in wonderful ways.
Immutable. Particularly useful for working with chart colors.
Uses Colord for color value manipulation under the hood.
npm install palettron
import { palettron } from "palettron"
// Values can be a css color string or Colord object.
const palette = palettron([
* - Swap the order of the first two colors.
* - Shift the palette one index to the right, wrapping the last to the first.
* - Darken the colors.
* - Desaturate a bit.
* - Set the alpha.
* - Pick every other color.
* - Return an array of rgb string values.
const colors = palette
.swap(0, 1)
.pick([0, 2, 4])
/* [
'rgba(20, 184, 184, 0.75)',
'rgba(184, 20, 20, 0.75)',
'rgba(184, 184, 20, 0.75)',
] */
* The number of colors in the palette.
get size(): number;
* Set the alpha of a palette.
alpha: (a: number) => Palettron;
* Darken the colors of a palette.
darken: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Desaturate the colors of a palette.
desaturate: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Convert a palette to grayscale.
grayscale: () => Palettron;
* Invert the colors of a palette.
invert: () => Palettron;
* Lighten the colors of a palette.
lighten: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Rotate the hue of a palette.
rotate: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Saturate the colors of a palette.
saturate: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Add one or more colors to the palette.
add: (...colors: readonly (Colord | string)[]) => Palettron;
* Concatenate one or more palettes with this one.
concat: (...palettes: readonly (Palettron | readonly string[])[]) => Palettron;
* Iterate each Colord object in the palette.
each: (cb: (color: Colord, index: number, array: readonly Colord[]) => void) => void;
* Filter colors using the underlying Colord object.
filter: (cb: (color: Colord, index: number, array: readonly Colord[]) => boolean) => Palettron;
* Map colors using the underlying Colord object.
map: (cb: (color: Colord, index: number, array: readonly Colord[]) => Colord | string) => Palettron;
* Merge one or more palettes with this one, removing duplicates.
merge: (...palettes: readonly (Palettron | readonly string[])[]) => Palettron;
* Modify a specific color in a palette as a Colord object.
modify: (indices: number | readonly number[], cb: (c: Colord, index: number) => Colord) => Palettron;
* Reduce a palette to the specified indicies.
pick: (indices: number | readonly number[]) => Palettron;
* Replace one color in a palette with another given color.
replace: (index: number, color: string | Colord) => Palettron;
* Reverse the order of items in a palette.
reverse: () => Palettron;
* Randomly shuffle the palette based on a random seed.
shuffle: (seed?: number | string) => Palettron;
* Shift the palette by x indices left or right, with wrapping.
shift: (x: number) => Palettron;
* Slice a palette like an array.
slice: (a?: number, b?: number) => Palettron;
* Sort a palette based on its underlying Colord object.
sort: (cb: (a: Colord, b: Colord) => number) => Palettron;
* Swap two items in a palette by index.
swap: (a: number, b: number) => Palettron;
* Return the palette as an array of css hex string values.
toHex: () => string[];
* Return the palette as an array of css rgb/rgba string values.
toRgb: () => string[];
* Return the palette as an array of css hsl string values.
toHsl: () => string[];
* Convert colors in the palette to an array of arbitrary values.
toAny: <T>(cb: (color: Colord, index: number, array: readonly Colord[]) => T) => T[];