This repository contains a set of tools written in Matlab that are helpful for computational model fitting, and plotting. An older version of this code was used for the analysis in the paper Explaining the effects of distractor statistics in visual search.
Author: Joshua Calder-Travis
Those sections of the code used in associated papers and preprints have been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee or warranty is provided for any part of the code.
If using the MNE-based permutation testing functionality, you will neeed to change the function mT_findEnvInfo
so that the returned variable describes the location of conda and a conda environment with MNE-installed. See comments of that function for details.
Certain variables are used in many different functions, and are documented below.
Throughout, the code relies on a standard representation of datasets referred to using DSet
. DSet
is a Matlab structure with the following fields:
[num participant] long struct array with fields...Data
Contains a field for every measured/manipulated variable, and derived variables. All fields must either contain a vector as long as the number of trials, or be a scalar.Sim
If data was simulated, this is a structure that describes the parameters used. It has the fields...Params
Structure with a field for every model parameter. Should be in the same form as the unpacked 'ParamStruct'. See notes on parameter storage below.
[Num models] long struct array which stores modelling results. Contains fields...Fits
[num attempted fits] long struct arrayBestFit
The best fit out of the attempted fits
Structure of dateset-wide settings. At a minimum must contain the field...TimeUnit
'none' or time unit used in dataset in seconds
General model fitting procedure settings, stored for referenceSimSpec
Structure array describing the true properties of the data if the data was simulated. Note that any simulation details that vary from participant to participant should be stored inDSet.P(iP).Sim
, not here. SimSpec should at least have a field...Name
String. (Model naming system should match that used for any modelling.)
Parameters are stored and passed in two forms, packed and unpacked. When 'unpacked'
they are stored in a structure referred to as ParamStruct
. ParamStruct
contains fields named after sets of parameters. These fields store sets of
parameters as numeric arrays. When 'packed' all
parameters from every parameter set are stored in a single parameter vector.
Model fitting is performed using settings that are specified in a particular Matlab structure. This structure is referred to as Settings
and has the following fields:
Which minimisation algorithm to use ('bads' or 'fmincon')ModelName
Number of free parameters to be fittedComputeTrialLL
Structure with fields...FunName
Function name specified as a string. (Ensure corresponding function is on Matlab path during fitting.) Function accepts the arguments below, and should return a vector of log-likelihoods, one for every trial.Args
Cell array, specifying arguments to pass to FunName. For an n long cell array, the cell array specifies the first n arguments passed to the function 'FunName'. 'FunName' function is passed three additional arguments... (in order)ParamStruct
A structure with a field for every parameter (or set of parameters) as specified in ParamSets. (See section 'Note on parameter storage' above.)DSet.P(i).Data
I.e. the data for one participant in the standard format. ComputeTrialLL should not act on this input if possible, in order to prevent Matlab from having to make a copy in memory of it.DSet.Spec
See 'Standard data format' in above.
[Num param sets] long struct array. With fields,Name
(optional) Fit the logarithm of the parameter? If set to true, every time the parameters are packed, the logarithm of this parameter is taken, and every time they are unpacked, the exponential taken. Therefore, the function Settings.ComputeTrialLL.FunName will still be passed the plain values, it is just that the fitting algorithm will see the logarithm.FitSqrt
(optional) Similar to FitLog, except for the square root.FitOffset
(optional) Similar to FitLog, except the value of this offset is added when the parameters are packed.FitScale
(optional) Similar to FitLog, except a multiple that is taken at packing.UnpackedShape
What shape array should we use to store the params in respective field of 'ParamStruct'.PackedOrder
Row vector. Represents the index of each parameter when packed as a single vector. (See 'Notes on parameter storage'.)UnpackedOrder
Row vector. Represents the linear index of each parameter when unpacked and stored in an array in the relevant field of 'ParamStruct'. (See 'Notes on parameter storage'.)InitialVals
See 'UpperBound'LowerBound
See 'UpperBound'UpperBound
These three fields should contain a function handle. The function takes no arguments and returns an array of the same shape specified in UnpackedShape.PLB
Optional. PLB and PUB specify plausible upper and lower bounds, and should be of the same format as UpperBound. Only used when Settings.Algorithm is 'bads'.Regulariser
Function handle or string which can be converted to a function handle. The entire param set will be passed to the regulariser function (as it is stored when unpacked). Function should return a value which will be added to the LL. Note that while unpacked, the options to fit square root, log, and offset do not affect the parameter values.
How many times to run the maximisation for each participant.PresetStartPoints
true or false. Used in a very specific case. If have already fit say 4 models, can ask the code to fit the same four models again. If set to true, the start points for these new fits will use the end points from the first four fitted models. Note that must request the same four models again in the same order because the n'th new model will use the n'th old model's fitted start points. Note also, that cannot request more start points than did before, as obviously there wont be enough fit end points from last time to use. If set to true, NumStartCand is ignored.NumStartCand
How many candidate points should we draw to determine the start point. The point with the greatest log-likelihood will be used as the start point.TrialChunkSize
No longer used. Set to 'off' to avoid an error message.FindSampleSize
Function which accepts 'DSet.P(i).Data' and returns the number of trials for the participant. Note the result will be used in the calculation of AIC and BIC scores.FindIncludedTrials
Function which accepts 'DSet.P(i).Data' and returns a logcial vector of trials to be included in the LL calculation.FindIfOutOfBounds
No longer used. Set to 'none' to avoid an error message.SupressOutput
If set to true, information of progress is suppressed.DebugMode
If set to true and fmincon is the algorithm, only a very small number of search iterations are run in each fit.JobsPerContainer
Only used by mT_scheduleFits to decide how many jobs to put in each container. This in turn determines how many jobs are sent to the cluster at a time.