Add Package using Swift Package Manager from Xcode with URL:
Create struct and confirm to NetworkConfigurable
which allow you to setup baseURL, headers and query parameters which is used by all requests configured using instance of this struct.
public struct ApiNetworkConfig: NetworkConfigurable {
public let baseURL: URL
public let headers: [String: String]
public let queryParameters: [String: String]
public init(baseURL: URL, headers: [String: String], queryParameters: [String: String]) {
self.baseURL = baseURL
self.headers = headers
self.queryParameters = queryParameters
Create class which confirms to HTTPClient
protocol which make use of URLSesstion and make request. You can also use default implemented class URLSessionHTTPClient
which is added in package itself.
public final class URLSessionHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
private let networkConfigurable: NetworkConfigurable
private let session: URLSession
public init(networkConfigurable: NetworkConfigurable, session: URLSession = .shared) {
self.networkConfigurable = networkConfigurable
self.session = session
public func execute(request: Requestable) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
let urlRequest = try request.urlRequest(with: networkConfigurable)
return try await urlRequest)
Create Endpoint by confirming to Requestable
protocol which allow you to setup path, method and request specific query parameters.
struct FeedEndpoint: Requestable {
var path: String = "/v1/gifs/trending"
var isFullPath: Bool = false
var method: HTTPMethodType = .get
var queryParameters: [String: Any] = [:]
Request Example
let networkConfigurable = ApiNetworkConfig(baseURL: URL(string: appConfiguration.baseURL)!, headers: [:], queryParameters: ["api_key": appConfiguration.apiKey, "rating": "g"])
let httpClient = URLSessionHTTPClient(networkConfigurable: networkConfigurable)
func load(limit: Int, offset: Int) async throws -> FeedPage {
let queryParameters = ["limit": limit, "offset": offset]
let feedEndpoint = FeedEndpoint(queryParameters: queryParameters)
let (data, response) = try await httpClient.execute(request: feedEndpoint)
guard (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == OK_200 else {
throw HTTPClientError.connectivity
return try data)
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