- General Info
- Description
- Technologies
- External Services
- Installation
- Environment Variables
- Collaboration
- Know Bugs
- License
- Contact Information
With this page, you can search for a city, in a database that includes the cities in the world, to evaluate it's characteristics.
This is my project for start2impact Javascript Advanced course.
Project created with:
- JavaScript ES6
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Webpack 5
- Axios
- Teleport Cities Api
To run this project:
- git clone https://github.com/brunoivano/JavaScript-QualityOfLife-Project.
- Navigate to the top level of the directory.
- Put the folder in your hosting program.
In the repo you can find a .env.example file. You have to put your api there and save the file as .env .
- No collaboration
- No know bugs
You can contact me at:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: @IvanoBruno