OnSim: A Similarity Measure for Determining Relatedness Between Ontology Terms.
[1] Ignacio Traverso-Ribón, Maria-Esther Vidal and Guillermo Palma. A Similarity Measure for Determining Relatedness Between Ontology Terms. 11th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences 2015 (DILS2015).
[2] Palma, G.; Vidal, M. E.; Haag, E.; Raschid, L.; Thor, A. Measuring Relatedness Between Scientific Entities in Annotation Datasets. ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Biomedical Informatics (BCB), 2013
Once you have downloaded the code from GitHub you only need to modify the file src/main/java/test/DatasetTest.java to run AnnSim-OnSim.
AnnSim-OnSim need as inputs:
- An OWL Ontology.
- A file describing the comparisons to be performed.
- A file for each entity containing their annotations.
The comparison file follows the following format:
Each line represents a pair of entities to be compared. These entities can be, e.g., proteins. In this case, the file will look like this:
Q9JKJ9 Q60991
Q9JKJ9 Q64505
Q9JKJ9 P11511
Q9JKJ9 P27786
For each entity present in the comparison file, AnnSim-OnSim needs a file containing its annotations. The annotations are terms from the given ontology. In case our entities are proteins annotated with the Gene Ontology, the file would look like this:
The first line contains the number of annotations included in the file and each annotations is written in a different line.
Map<String, String> ontPrefix = new HashMap<String,String>();
ontPrefix.put("src/main/resources/dataset3/", "http://purl.org/obo/owl/GO#");
String prefix = "src/main/resources/dataset3/";
String ontFile = prefix + "goProtein/go.owl"; // File containing the OWL Ontology
MyOWLOntology o = new MyOWLOntology(ontFile, ontPrefix.get(prefix));
String comparisonFile = "src/main/resources/dataset3/proteinpairs.txt"; // File containing the entity pairs to be compared.
List<ComparisonResult> comparisons = readComparisonFile(comparisonFile);
int counter = 0, total = comparisons.size();
String[] files = {"src/main/resources/dataset3/process_annt"}; //Folder containing the annotations files
for (Iterator<ComparisonResult> i = comparisons.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
ComparisonResult comp = i.next();
double sim = 0;
for (String file:files)
Set<OWLConcept> a = getConceptAnnotations(comp.getConceptA(), file, o);
Set<OWLConcept> b = getConceptAnnotations(comp.getConceptB(), file, o);
AnnSim bpm = new AnnSim();
double aux = bpm.matching(a, b, null, null);
String s = comp.getConceptA() + "\t" + comp.getConceptB() + "\t" + aux;
sim += aux;
System.out.println(comp + "\t" + counter++ + "/" + total);
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