slightly modified Ubuntu Gnome Painting Medalions
sli(ghtly) m(odified) U(buntu) G(nome) is a personal project based on sli(ghtly) m(odified) Advaita theme and a modified White shell theme. Featuring dark app icons and original circle-based window control icons, a curated painting backgrounds collection.
Recommended extensions list:
- Activities configurator
- Arc menu
- BackSlide
- Clock override
- Dash to dock, with modified theme
- fix-multi-monitors
- Force Quit
- Hide Legacy Tray
- Lock Keys
- Multi Monitors Add-On
- No Topleft Hot Corner
- NoAnnoyance
- Removable Drive Menu
- Remove Accessibility
- Remove Dropdown Arrows
- ShutdownTimer
- Sound Input & Output Device Chooser
- Trash
- Turn off Display
- User Themes