My project demonstrate using two linked generics data structures ,BST and Doubly linked list. The app manage a boxes store storage and can add remove and give best offer for squared bottomed box represented by X as width and length and Y as height. It stores the data for the boxes in doubly dimensional BST with key and value and Date descending order linked list.
My generic BST can search and find element with Complexity of Log(h) where h is the height. using generic key and value i can store complex data in efficient get add and delete operation. i also added Searching with minimum and maximum value in efficient search.
- Main tree has Double type key and BST type value
- Each inner BST has Double type key and Box type value
The order of searching item with (16,10) keys with 33% percentage accuracy.
My list implement addition like a queue and handle delete items in descending Order the time complexity of add and remove is by O(1) thanks to the Prev and Next pointer in each node.
Remove node from the doubly linked list.
Lines 207 to 230 in 2228db6
Lines 270 to 290 in 2228db6
The Boxes store UI in UWP.