Discipline of Programming Logic 2 for the Bachelor of Computer Engineering at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
- Presentation of the discipline. Presentation of the teaching plan.
- From C Language to C++ and History
- Use of the C++ standard library and differences from C language programming
- Compilation, compilation flags, and code debugging. Tools for detecting Memoryleak and stackoverflow
- Dynamic allocation of memory in C++ and OS inputs/pipe.
- namespace concept, std::string, ::stringstream, ::vector, ::pair, ::ifstream, ::ofstream, and others needed from std.
- Motivation for the adoption of the object-oriented paradigm.
- Structured X Object Oriented Programming
- Decomposition of problems by objects.
- Relational Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators.
- Composition of Assignment Operators.
- Classes, definition, Member Variables (Attributes), Methods or Functions (Behavior), Method Constructor, Access Modifiers, Object Declaration and Instantiation.
- Classes such as Abstract Data Type, Encapsulation and Object Identity.
- Correlation of the new Operator with Dynamic Memory Allocation (Dynamic Type Allocation Data Abstracts).
- Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Abstract Methods, Class Hierarchy, Ancestor Class, and Class Derived, Redefining Ancestral Behaviors.
- Polymorphism.
- User Interface in Event-Driven Systems.
- Generic Classes. Generic Interfaces. Generic Methods.
- Data Input and Output in User Interfaces (Data Input and Output for Console).
- Object Persistence, Input and Output Streams for persistent media.
- Object Serialization (Interface Serializable).
- Practical activities: work development.