This repository contains and describes data from work that benchmarks the high-level visual abilities of marmosets in comparison with humans, rhesus macaques, and rats. It also includes images used as stimuli for the comparisons, as well as images for animal training. It accompanies the preprint:
Alexander J.E. Kell, Sophie L. Bokor, You-Nah Jeon, Tahereh Toosi, Elias B. Issa
The data and images can be downloaded here.
The structure of the data and image directories is briefly described below. For further questions, please email: [email protected] (where first and last are "alex" and "kell").
Images originally employed in Rajalingham et al., 2018.
Images are in the directory images-marmosetMacaqueHuman
, with a subdirectory for each of the four objects (wrench, rhino, camel, leg). The 400 images on which we compared marmosets with macaques and humans are in the evaluation
subdirectory (e.g., images-marmosetMacaqueHuman/wrench/evaluation
). Also included are the images used for animal training (token
, training-low-variation
, and training-high-variation
). The images used in the decision stage of the task (i.e., the ones subjects touch to indicate their choice) are these token
The data are pickled in Python. To load:
import pickle
tmp = pickle.load(open('marmoset_macaque_and_human.pkl','rb'))
arr_n_trials, arr_n_correct, all_fnames = tmp['arr_n_trials'], tmp['arr_n_correct'], tmp['all_fns']
is a dictionary where each key is an object and each value is a list of the image filenames, in the order that they are indexed in the data arrays below. I.e.,
[(k,len(all_fnames[k])) for k in all_fnames.keys()] == [('camel', 100), ('leg', 100), ('wrench', 100), ('rhino', 100)]
all_fnames['camel'][0] == 'objectome_camel_01914fb75f1180b0b1d98adc04c617caa2f387d1_ty0.039663_tz0.32309_rxy-64.131_rxz-62.8524_ryz8.6478_s1.0404.png'
and arr_n_correct
are dictionaries with values that are numpy arrays of, respectively, the number of trials and number of correct trials. The keys correspond to which dataset and are as follows:
['human_sr2', 'marmoset_sr2_22dva', 'marmoset_sr2_11dva', 'marmoset_sr2_pooledOverSize', 'macaque_mts24_from_rajalinghamEtAl']
"dva" denotes degrees of visual angle and marmoset_sr2_pooledOverSize
is simply the sum of the data from two different image sizes marmoset_sr2_22dva
and marmoset_sr2_11dva
The data is arranged in a 5d array, and axes are as follows: (subjects
, days
, target_object
, distractor_object
, image_index
). E.g.,
arr_n_trials['marmoset_sr2_22dva'].shape == (5, 42, 4, 4, 100)
The data for marmoset_sr2_pooledOverSize
and macaque_mts24_from_rajalinghamEtAl
are pooled over subjects. Objects are in the order: ['camel', 'rhino', 'leg', 'wrench']
Images originally employed in Zoccolan et al., 2009.
Images are in subdirectories for each of the two stimuli one-blob
and two-blob
. The original 14 training images for each object are in the original-training
subdirectory; all 54 images are in the all-images
To load:
tmp = pickle.load(open('marmoset_and_rat.pkl','rb'))
The variable tmp
is simply a dictionary with the matrices of rat and marmoset data as plotted in Figure 3 in Kell et al.: rat_proportion_correct
and marmoset_proportion_correct