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[#16][#17] Plugin does not throw exception on missing JSON config.
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Only users meeting the requirements of the JSON configuration are
allowed to manipulate protected metadata. This now includes adding
  • Loading branch information
korydraughn authored and trel committed Feb 26, 2021
1 parent 2bb6e29 commit 7ebd807
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 63 deletions.
38 changes: 36 additions & 2 deletions packaging/
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def test_incorrect_configuration_does_not_block_usage(self):
self.assertTrue(count > 0)

@unittest.skipIf(test.settings.RUN_IN_TOPOLOGY, "Skip for Topology Testing")
def test_users_can_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
def test_authorized_users_can_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
config = IrodsConfig()

# Set JSON configuration for the root collection.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def test_users_can_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
self.rods.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'rm', '-C', root_coll, self.metadata_guard_attribute_name(), json_config])

@unittest.skipIf(test.settings.RUN_IN_TOPOLOGY, "Skip for Topology Testing")
def test_users_cannot_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
def test_unauthorized_users_cannot_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
config = IrodsConfig()

root_coll = os.path.join('/', self.admin.zone_name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,15 +128,49 @@ def test_users_cannot_modify_guarded_metadata(self):
coll = self.admin.session_collection
attribute_name = 'irods::guarded_attribute'
self.admin.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'set', '-C', coll, attribute_name, 'abc'])
self.admin.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'add', '-C', coll, attribute_name, 'def'])

def check_metadata():
out, err, ec = self.admin.run_icommand(['imeta', 'ls', '-C', coll])
self.assertEquals(ec, 0)
self.assertEquals(len(err), 0)
self.assertTrue('attribute: {0}\nvalue: {1}'.format(attribute_name, 'abc') in out)
self.assertTrue('attribute: {0}\nvalue: {1}'.format(attribute_name, 'def') in out)
self.assertTrue('attribute: {0}\nvalue: {1}'.format(attribute_name, 'DEF') not in out)
self.assertTrue('attribute: {0}\nvalue: {1}'.format(attribute_name, 'GHI') not in out)

# Verify that the metadata is what we expect.

# Give an unauthorized user write access to the collection with protected metadata.
self.admin.assert_icommand(['ichmod', 'write', self.user.username, coll])

self.user.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'set', '-C', coll, attribute_name, 'DEF'], 'STDERR', ['CAT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL'])
self.user.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'add', '-C', coll, attribute_name, 'GHI'], 'STDERR', ['CAT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL'])

# Show that the plugin protected the metadata.

# Clean up.
self.rods.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'rm', '-C', root_coll, self.metadata_guard_attribute_name(), json_config])

self.rods.assert_icommand(['iadmin', 'rfg', 'rodsadmin', self.admin.username])

@unittest.skipIf(test.settings.RUN_IN_TOPOLOGY, "Skip for Topology Testing")
def test_plugin_does_not_throw_exception_when_json_config_has_not_been_set_as_metadata(self):
config = IrodsConfig()

with lib.file_backed_up(config.server_config_path):

log_offset = lib.get_file_size_by_path(paths.server_log_path())
self.admin.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'set', '-C', self.admin.session_collection, 'a', 'v'])
self.admin.assert_icommand(['imeta', 'ls', '-C', self.admin.session_collection], 'STDOUT', ['attribute: a', 'value: v'])

self.assertEquals(lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log(paths.server_log_path(), 'error', log_offset), 0)
self.assertEquals(lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log(paths.server_log_path(), 'exception', log_offset), 0)
self.assertEquals(lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log(paths.server_log_path(), 'SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR', log_offset), 0)

# Utility Functions
Expand Down
92 changes: 31 additions & 61 deletions src/main.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#include "user_administration.hpp"

#include <irods/irods_plugin_context.hpp>
#include <irods/irods_re_plugin.hpp>
#include <irods/irods_re_serialization.hpp>
Expand All @@ -12,7 +10,10 @@
#include <irods/rodsError.h>
#include <irods/rodsErrorTable.h>
#include <irods/rodsLog.h>
#include <irods/user_administration.hpp>
#include <irods/scoped_privileged_client.hpp>

#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <json.hpp>

#include <boost/any.hpp>
Expand All @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <optional>

Expand All @@ -38,50 +40,31 @@ namespace
return *rei;

template <typename Function>
auto sudo(ruleExecInfo_t& _rei, Function _func) -> decltype(_func())
auto& auth_flag = _rei.rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag;
const auto old_auth_flag = auth_flag;

// Elevate privileges.

// Restore authorization flags on exit.
irods::at_scope_exit at_scope_exit{[&auth_flag, old_auth_flag] {
auth_flag = old_auth_flag;

return _func();

auto load_plugin_config(ruleExecInfo_t& _rei) -> json
auto load_plugin_config(ruleExecInfo_t& _rei) -> std::optional<json>
// Must elevate privileges so that the configuration can be retrieved.
// Users who aren't administrators cannot retrieve metadata they don't own.
return sudo(_rei, [&_rei] {
std::string json_string;
irods::experimental::scoped_privileged_client spc{*_rei.rsComm};

std::string gql = "select META_COLL_ATTR_VALUE "
"where META_COLL_ATTR_NAME = 'irods::metadata_guard' and COLL_NAME = '/";
gql += _rei.rsComm->myEnv.rodsZone;
gql += "'";
const auto gql = fmt::format("select META_COLL_ATTR_VALUE "
"where META_COLL_ATTR_NAME = 'irods::metadata_guard' and COLL_NAME = '/{}'",

for (auto&& row : irods::query{_rei.rsComm, gql}) {
json_string = row[0];
if (irods::query q{_rei.rsComm, gql}; q.size() > 0) {
try {
return json::parse(q.front()[0]);

if (json_string.empty()) {
const char* msg = "Rule Engine Plugin Configuration not set as metadata";
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] %s", msg);
catch (const json::exception&) {
const char* msg = "Cannot parse Rule Engine Plugin configuration";
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] %s.", msg);

return json::parse(json_string);
return std::nullopt;

auto user_is_administrator(const rsComm_t& conn) -> irods::error
auto user_is_administrator(rsComm_t& conn) -> irods::error
if (irods::is_privileged_client(conn)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,21 +102,12 @@ namespace
try {
auto* input = boost::any_cast<modAVUMetadataInp_t*>(*std::next(std::begin(_rule_arguments), 2));
auto& rei = get_rei(_effect_handler);
const auto config = load_plugin_config(rei);

const auto is_modification = [op = std::string_view{input->arg0}]() noexcept
static const auto ops = {"set", "mod", "rm", "rmw", "rmi"};
return std::any_of(std::begin(ops), std::end(ops), [&op](auto&& mod_op) {
return op == mod_op;

if (!is_modification()) {
if (!config) {

const auto config = load_plugin_config(rei);

// JSON Configuration structure:
// {
// "prefixes": ["irods::"],
Expand All @@ -144,30 +118,29 @@ namespace
// {"type": "user", "name": "jane#otherZone"}
// ]
// }

for (auto&& prefix :"prefixes")) {
for (auto&& prefix : config->at("prefixes")) {
// If the metadata attribute starts with the prefix, then verify that the user
// can modify the metadata attribute.
if (boost::starts_with(input->arg3, prefix.get<std::string>())) {
// The "admin_only" flag supersedes the "editors" configuration option.
if (config.count("admin_only") &&"admin_only").get<bool>()) {
if (config->count("admin_only") && config->at("admin_only").get<bool>()) {
return user_is_administrator(*rei.rsComm);

namespace ua = irods::experimental::administration;
namespace adm = irods::experimental::administration;

const ua::user user{rei.uoic->userName, rei.uoic->rodsZone};
const adm::user user{rei.uoic->userName, rei.uoic->rodsZone};

for (auto&& editor :"editors")) {
for (auto&& editor : config->at("editors")) {
if (const auto type ="type").get<std::string>(); type == "group") {
const ua::group group{"name").get<std::string>()};
const adm::group group{"name").get<std::string>()};

if (ua::server::user_is_member_of_group(*rei.rsComm, group, user)) {
if (adm::server::user_is_member_of_group(*rei.rsComm, group, user)) {
else if (type == "user") {
if ("name").get<std::string>() == ua::server::local_unique_name(*rei.rsComm, user)) {
if ("name").get<std::string>() == adm::server::local_unique_name(*rei.rsComm, user)) {
Expand All @@ -177,15 +150,12 @@ namespace

rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] User is not allowed to modify metadata [attribute => %s].", input->arg3);
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] User is not allowed to modify metadata [attribute=%s].", input->arg3);

return ERROR(CAT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL, "User is not allowed to modify metadata");
catch (const json::parse_error& e) {
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] Cannot parse Rule Engine Plugin configuration.");
catch (const json::type_error& e) {
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] Missing or incorrect configuration properties.");
catch (const json::exception&) {
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] Unexpected JSON access or type error.");
catch (const std::exception& e) {
rodsLog(LOG_ERROR, "[metadata_guard] %s", e.what());
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