Toolkit in Max/MSP for gesture-to-sound scenario prototyping. General documentation and article
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git clone --depth=1
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Gestural Sound Toolkit V2 is a Max package that must be copied in the Max Package folder
The toolkit makes use of the MuBu lib developed by the ISMM team at IRCAM.
This a Max/MSP library that is free avaialble as Max Package (in the Package manager), or freely available at the Forum Ircam (necessary to register to the IRCAM forum [spam-free])
THe MuBu package must be either copied in the Max Package folder, or referenced in the Files Preference:
Options > File Preferences > +
Note for Windows' users: you need to install Visual Studio 2015 Redistributable Package to have MuBu working!
V2 is a fork of the Gestural Sound Toolkit
a Max library for the design of Embodied Sonic Interactions
V2 Contributors:
- STMS Lab IRCAM CNRS Sorbonne Université (Frédéric Bevilacqua, Riccardo Borghesi, Diemo Schwarz, Victor Paredes)
- ISIR Sorbonne Université (Baptiste Caramiaux,)
- LIMSI CNRS (Jules Françoise)
- University of York (Alessandro Altavilla)
V1 Contributors:
- AVI Group Goldsmiths College (Baptiste Caramiaux, Alessandro Altavilla)
- IRCAM-Centre Pompidou (Mubu: Riccardo Borghesi, Diemo Schwarz, Norbert Schnell, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Jules Françoise) EAVI website:, (c) 2015 EAVI Group, Goldsmiths College, University of London
This toolkit has been designed and implemented in order to investigate research questions on sonic interaction design, and led to a publication at the CHI 2015 conference. If you use the toolkit in your research or teaching, please credit our work:
Caramiaux, Baptiste, Altavilla, Alessandro, Pobiner, Scott and Tanaka, Atau. "Form Follows Sound: Designing Interactions from Sonic Memories". In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. pp. 3943-3952. 2015 (
V2: ELEMENT (ANR-18-CE33-0002),
V1: GST has been developed as part of the MetaGestureMusic project, which received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. FP7-283771.
Original authors: Baptiste Caramiaux, Alessandro Altavilla