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Merge for version 1.2.4 #269

Merge for version 1.2.4

Merge for version 1.2.4 #269

# This workflow will run on pull requests
name: Run Tests on Pull Requests
branches: [main]
branches: [dev, main]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: [3.11.4]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install System Dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install cmake protobuf-compiler wget redis-server postgresql nginx
- name: Run System Services
run: |
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql
- name: Create Database Tables
run: |
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'opentera';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database opentera;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user TeraAgent with encrypted password 'tera';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database opentera to TeraAgent;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER TeraAgent WITH PASSWORD 'tera';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database openteralogs;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database openteralogs to TeraAgent;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database openterafiles;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database openterafiles to TeraAgent;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "\l"
- name: Install Miniconda3
run: |
echo $HOME
bash ./ -b -p $HOME/miniconda3
- name: Run CMake and build
working-directory: teraserver
run: |
cmake .
make python-all
echo "OPENTERA_PYTHON=$(echo $PWD/python/env/python-3.11/bin/python)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PYTHONPATH=$(echo $PWD/python)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Generate Self Signed TLS Certificates
working-directory: teraserver/python
run: |
- name: Run NGINX Reverse Proxy
working-directory: teraserver/python/config
run: |
mkdir logs
- name: Start TeraServer With Tests Enabled
working-directory: teraserver/python
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON --enable_tests=1 &
sleep 10
- name: Run Device API Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/modules/FlaskModule/API/device
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run Participant API Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/modules/FlaskModule/API/participant
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run User API Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/modules/FlaskModule/API/user
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run Service API Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/modules/FlaskModule/API/service
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run Models Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/opentera/db/models
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run Service Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/opentera/services
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run FileTransferService Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/services/FileTransferService
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"
- name: Run LoggingService Tests
working-directory: teraserver/python/tests/services/LoggingService
run: |
$OPENTERA_PYTHON -m unittest discover . "test_*.py"