Releases: intive-DataScience/tbats
Releases · intive-DataScience/tbats
Fix numeric precision issues that caused box-cox transformation to fail
Added __version__ to __init__
1.1.2 Added __version__ to init file
Updated project dependencies
1.1.1 Updated dependencies.
Changed method of thread spawning
Added ability to specify the way new processes are spawned. Changed default spawning method from system default to spawn.
Security release - bleach vulnerability
1.0.10 Updated requirements and readme
Non-parallel processing
When one specifies n_jobs=1 then no subprocesses shall be triggered and no parallelization will happen.
Issue fixes
- Upgrating depenencies due to urllib3 vulnerability CVE-2019-11324
- Fixing #7
- Fixing #6
- Fixed long_description_content_type
Upgraded dependencies due to vulnerabilities found in Jinja
Upgrating depenencies due to Jinja2 vulnerability found: In Pallets Jinja before 2.10.1, str.format_map allows a sandbox escape.
Pool closing
Added second pool closing code to prevent OS open file issues.