Bitcoin Simulation Node
Bitsim is a 'bitcoin node in a box' meant for mocking test scenarios.
Bitsim is slightly different from regular regtest mode, because it supports:
- mainnet addresses
- mainnet magic bytes
# pull image
docker pull planaria/bitsim:0.0.2
# start node
docker run -d -p 18332-18333:18332-18333 planaria/bitsim:0.0.2
# hit RPC
bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18332 help
# validate address
bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18332 validateaddress "1DzqBck9oyCBzxJbbje2s15deZis6BeATi"
# mine blocks
bitcoin-cli -rpcport=18332 generatetoaddress 3 "1DzqBck9oyCBzxJbbje2s15deZis6BeATi"
Multple Bitsim nodes can be easily configured to talk together to create more complex simulations. This can be done easily with various container orchestration solutions.
# pull image and start network of 3 Bitsim nodes
curl > docker-compose.yml && docker-compose up
Create your own docker-compose file.
You must:
- Supply total
as environment variable to each container - Use name format
, etc..
Create your own Kubernetes Tempalate.
You must:
- Stateful Set is required
- Create seperate template for each node
- Supply total
as environment variable to each container - Use name format
, etc. for each Stateful Set