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Repository files navigation


Navigate to the folder containing requirements.txt in it: cd ToDoApp.

  • In terminal type pip install -r requirements.txt
  • This will install all the required dependencies for the project.


Run the project with uvicorn ToDoApp.main:app --reload

  • If todosapp.db doesn't exists, it'll be created.

The project should now be available at:

Testing data

Manual testing

To try out the endpoints that need authorization you can use the following:

  • freddydev / password
  • test / 1234

Unit testing

Run pytest --disable-warnings to trigger the project validations

  • the flag --disable-warnings is added to prevent warnings from lib dependencies

SQL Queries

Open todosapp.db with sqlite3. This allows us to execute SQL queries in the terminal.

 sqlite3 todosapp.db

insert and select data

❯ sqlite3 todosapp.db
sqlite> select * from todos;
sqlite> insert into todos (title, description, priority, complete) values ('Go to the store', 'Buy eggs', 5, False);
sqlite> insert into todos (title, description, priority, complete) values ('Do homework', 'Math exercises', 2, False);
sqlite> insert into todos (title, description, priority, complete) values ('Feed the dog', 'Get a bone', 3, False);

sqlite> select * from todos;
1|Go to the store|Buy eggs|5|0
2|Do homework|Math exercises|2|0
3|Feed the dog|Get a bone|3|0

sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> select * from todos;
id  title            description     priority  complete
--  ---------------  --------------  --------  --------
1   Go to the store  Buy eggs        5         0       
2   Do homework      Math exercises  2         0       
3   Feed the dog     Get a bone      3         0       

sqlite> .mode markdown
sqlite> select * from todos;
| id |      title      |  description   | priority | complete |
| 1  | Go to the store | Buy eggs       | 5        | 0        |
| 2  | Do homework     | Math exercises | 2        | 0        |
| 3  | Feed the dog    | Get a bone     | 3        | 0        |

sqlite> .mode box
sqlite> select * from todos;
│ id │      title      │  description   │ priority │ complete │
│ 1  │ Go to the store │ Buy eggs       │ 5        │ 0        │
│ 2  │ Do homework     │ Math exercises │ 2        │ 0        │
│ 3  │ Feed the dog    │ Get a bone     │ 3        │ 0        │


A simple Python ToDo app using FastAPI






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