This repository allows you to create your infrastructure to monitor the health of your mina node completely free of charge, without the need for expensive monitoring tools, with a few very simple steps.
- Open Telegram and search for the "BotFather" user
- Start a chat and send the command /newbot (Or click the /newbot)
- Follow the on-screen instructions to name your bot and choose a username for it.
- Once the bot is created, BotFather will provide you with a TOKEN which looks something like this: 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw. Save this token for later.
- In Telegram, click on the pencil icon (or the three dots) in the top right corner.
- Choose 'New Channel'.
- Name your channel and provide an optional description.
- Set your channel to either public or private. Note: If you choose 'Public', you'll get a public link which others can use to join your channel.
- Once the channel is created, click on the channel name at the top, then click on 'Administrators'.
- Add your previously created bot to the channel as an administrator. Make sure to grant it the necessary permissions, especially 'Send Messages'.
- Send a message in the channel.
- Open a browser and visit the following URL (replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with the bot token you got from BotFather): It should looks like this;
- Look for the "chat" object in the returned JSON. The id field inside this object is your channel's chat ID. It should look something like -1001234567890. Save this ID for later.
- Just run the below code on your terminal that you run the mina node using Token and ChatId that you got from the previous steps.
cd ~ && \
curl -s | \
chmod +x && \
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "0 * * * * $PWD/") | crontab -
- Wait for the next 5-minute interval and monitor your Telegram channel to see if the logs are being sent.
- If there are any issues, double-check the crontab command, the token, and the chat ID.
Enjoy keeping track of your Node's health using your Telegram app 🥂