Now is public domain, maybe change license to LGPLv2 if needed.
libutilitysstdc++ have many implement defined interfaces and some light-weight extensions. It's a portable posix interface library.
module container
submodule | header | state | test |
helper | container_helper.hpp | D | - |
helper | initializer_list.hpp | D | - |
array | array.hpp | F | P |
array | cycle_array.hpp | U | N |
dynamic_array | vector.hpp | F | P |
dynamic_array | deque.hpp | F | F |
tuple | pair.hpp | F | P |
tuple | compressed_pair.hpp | F | P |
tuple | tripair.hpp | F | P |
tuple | tuple.hpp | F | P |
tuple | variant.hpp | U | N |
list | list.hpp | F | P |
list | white_black_tree.hpp | F | P |
tree | set.hpp | F | P |
tree | multiset.hpp | F | P |
tree | map.hpp | F | P |
tree | multimap.hpp | F | P |
hash | hash_table.hpp | F | P |
hash | unordered_set.hpp | P | - |
hash | unordered_multiset.hpp | P | - |
hash | unordered_map.hpp | P | - |
hash | unordered_multimap.hpp | P | - |
utility | any.hpp | F | P |
utility | optional.hpp | F | P |
utility | span.hpp | P | - |
adaptor | queue.hpp | F | P |
adaptor | priority_queue.hpp | F | P |
heap | ------- | P | - |
module charS
submodule | header | state | test |
string | char_traits.hpp | F | P |
string | basic_string.hpp | F | P |
string | basic_string_builder.hpp | P | - |
string | basic_string_view.hpp | F | P |
string | basic_static_string.hpp | F | P |
itoa | itoa.hpp | F | U |
module functional
submodule | header | state | test |
function | function.hpp | F | P |
invoke | invoke.hpp | F | P |
binder | bind.hpp | F | P |
binder | is_placeholders.hpp | F | P |
binder | mem_fn.hpp | F | P |
binder | placeholders.hpp | F | P |
wrapper | cref.hpp | F | U |
wrapper | ref.hpp | F | U |
wrapper | reference_wrapper.hpp | F | P |
module iterator
submodule | header | state | test |
trait | iterator_tag.hpp | F | P |
trait | iterator_traits.hpp | F | P |
move | advance.hpp | F | P |
move | next.hpp | F | P |
move | prev.hpp | F | P |
move | distance.hpp | F | P |
iterator | base_iterator.hpp | F | N |
iterator | move_iterator.hpp | F | P |
iterator | raw_pointer_iterator.hpp | F | N |
iterator | reverse_iterator.hpp | F | P |
module memory
submodule | header | state | test |
helper | allocator.hpp | D | - |
trait | allocator_traits.hpp | F | P |
trait | uses_allocator.hpp | F | P |
address | addressof.hpp | F | P |
allocator | allocator_helper.hpp | F | P |
allocator | basic_allocator.hpp | F | P |
deletor | basic_deallocator.hpp | F | P |
deletor | default_delete.hpp | F | P |
smart_ptr | unique_ptr.hpp | F | P |
smart_ptr | observer_ptr.hpp | F | P |
uninitialized | uninitialized_copy.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_copy_n.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_fill.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_fill_n.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_move.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_move_n.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_possible_move.hpp | F | N |
uninitialized | uninitialized_possible_move_n.hpp | F | N |
memory | new.hpp | P | - |
memory | raw_delete.hpp | F | P |
memory | destroy.hpp | F | P |
memory | destroy_n.hpp | F | P |
memory | destroy_at.hpp | F | P |
memory | align.hpp | F | P |
buffer | temporary_buffer.hpp | F | P |
module math
submodule | header | state | test |
helper | math_helper.hpp | D | - |
bit | bitset.hpp | U | - |
HP | cppint.hpp | P | - |
type | ratio | F | P |
type | complex | P | - |
SPMF | :----: | P | - |
module trait
submodule | header | state | test |
helper | trait_helper.hpp | D | - |
module algorithm
submodule | header | state | test |
core | swap.hpp | F | P |
core | move.hpp | F | P |
core | forward.hpp | F | P |
core | possible_swap.hpp | F | P |
core | algorithm_auxiliary.hpp | F | P |
core | hash.hpp | F | N |
check | all_of.hpp | F | P |
check | any_of.hpp | F | P |
check | none_of.hpp | F | P |
check | count.hpp | F | N |
check | count_if.hpp | F | N |
check | mismatch.hpp | F | N |
search | find.hpp | F | N |
search | find_if.hpp | F | N |
search | find_if_not.hpp | F | N |
search | find_first_of.hpp | F | N |
search | find_end.hpp | F | N |
search | adjacent_find.hpp | F | N |
search | search.hpp | F | N |
search | search_n.hpp | F | N |
search | binary_search.hpp | F | N |
search | lower_bound.hpp | F | N |
search | upper_bound.hpp | F | N |
search | equal_range.hpp | P | - |
compare | equal.hpp | F | N |
compare | lexicographical_compare.hpp | F | N |
compare | max.hpp | F | P |
compare | min.hpp | F | P |
compare | minmax.hpp | F | P |
compare | max_element.hpp | F | P |
compare | min_element.hpp | F | P |
compare | minmax_element.hpp | F | P |
compare | clamp.hpp | P | N |
compare | exchange.hpp | F | N |
operate | for_each.hpp | F | N |
operate | for_each_n.hpp | F | N |
operate | transform.hpp | F | N |
copy | copy.hpp | F | N |
copy | copy_if.hpp | F | N |
copy | copy_n.hpp | F | N |
copy | copy_backward.hpp | F | N |
copy | move_forward.hpp | F | N |
copy | move_backward.hpp | F | N |
copy | move_if_noexcept.hpp | F | P |
fill | fill.hpp | F | N |
fill | fill_n.hpp | F | N |
fill | generate.hpp | P | - |
fill | generate_n.hpp | P | - |
remove | remove.hpp | P | - |
remove | remove_if.hpp | P | - |
remove | remove_copy.hpp | P | - |
remove | remove_copy_if.hpp | P | - |
remove | replace.hpp | P | - |
remove | replace_if.hpp | P | - |
remove | replace_copy.hpp | P | - |
remove | replace_copy_if.hpp | P | - |
remove | unique.hpp | P | - |
remove | unique_copy.hpp | P | - |
swap | swap_ranges.hpp | F | P |
swap | iter_swap.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | reverse_copy.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | reverse.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | rotate_copy.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | rotate.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | random_shuffle.hpp | P | - |
shuffle | shuffle.hpp | P | - |
shuffle | is_permutation.hpp | F | N |
shuffle | next_permutation.hpp | P | - |
shuffle | prev_permutation.hpp | P | - |
partition | is_partitioned.hpp | F | N |
partition | partition.hpp | P | - |
partition | partition_copy.hpp | P | - |
partition | stable_partition.hpp | P | - |
partition | partition_point.hpp | P | - |
sort | is_sorted.hpp | F | N |
sort | is_sort_until.hpp | F | N |
sort | sort.hpp | F | N |
sort | partial_sort.hpp | F | N |
sort | partial_sort_copy.hpp | P | - |
sort | stable_sort.hpp | P | - |
sort | nth_element.hpp | P | - |
set | merge.hpp | F | N |
set | inplace_merge.hpp | P | - |
set | set_difference.hpp | P | - |
set | set_intersection.hpp | P | - |
set | set_symmetric_difference.hpp | P | - |
set | set_union.hpp | P | - |
heap | heap.hpp | U | D |
heap need is_heap and is_heap_util
P - prepare;
F - finished;
U - unfinished;
D - developing;
P - pass test;
D - pass part test;
F - fail test;
N - not test;
string_builder support: sync string build class (not a string, without some access functions)
generate langange parser: use a mark language(see railway diagrams) to analyze all language(or just analyze the setting file the library used.)
soucre_location(as a library TS2 class, which needs compiler support heavily...)
Compression support
crypto support
enhanced support for cstdlib, cctypes(such as is_num) and other original C library (not include i/o function, will optimize at sstdc++ for safe and extend resons, please search to get answer)
posix interface support(I think it should be in the sstdc++?)
and something I forget...