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OH2-388 | mutate exam with rows #367

OH2-388 | mutate exam with rows

OH2-388 | mutate exam with rows #367

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will build and run the application for oasdiff/oasdiff-action/breaking@main
# For more information see:
name: OpenAPI breaking changes check
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: false
- name: Determine PR source branch
id: extract_branch
run: echo "BRANCH_NAME=${GITHUB_HEAD_REF:-develop}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set up JDK 17
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
java-package: jdk
- name: Checkout core
run: |
git clone --depth=50 openhospital-core
cd openhospital-core
git fetch origin ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} || git fetch origin develop
git checkout ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} || git checkout develop
cd ..
- name: Install core
run: cd openhospital-core && mvn install -DskipTests=true && cd ..
- name: Generate JWT Token
id: jwt
run: echo "token=7DlyD1SHR5pCa4HGgTLWSYm8YQ7oRL1wpPbxyjWyHU44vUrqrooRu3lHVFSXWChesc" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Build with Maven
run: |
cp rsc/ rsc/
cp rsc/ rsc/
cp rsc/ rsc/
sed -e "s/JWT_TOKEN_SECRET/${{ steps.jwt.outputs.token }}/g" -e "s/API_HOST/localhost/g" -e "s/API_PORT/8080/g" rsc/ > rsc/
mvn install -DskipTests=true
- name: Run API
run: |
cd target
java -cp "openhospital-api-0.1.0.jar:rsc/:static/" org.springframework.boot.loader.launch.JarLauncher &
sleep 60
cd ..
- name: Generate OpenAPI yaml
run: mvn springdoc-openapi:generate -Dspringdoc.outputFileName=oh_rev.yaml
# Step 1: Check if oh_rev.yaml differs from the committed version
- name: Install yq
run: |
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/yq
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
- name: Install jq
run: sudo apt-get install -y jq
- name: Convert to JSON and sort
run: |
yq eval -o=json openapi/oh_rev.yaml > oh_rev.json
yq eval -o=json openapi/oh.yaml > oh.json
jq --sort-keys . oh_rev.json > sorted_oh_rev.json
jq --sort-keys . oh.json > sorted_oh.json
- name: Compare JSON files
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
run: |
if diff sorted_oh_rev.json sorted_oh.json; then
echo "No changes in OpenAPI spec. Everything is up to date."
echo "The OpenAPI spec has changed. Please update the committed version."
exit 1
# Step 2: Check for breaking changes between destination branch oh.yaml and the generated oh_rev.yaml
- name: Checkout Base Branch
run: |
git fetch origin ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}:base_branch
git checkout base_branch
- name: Run OpenAPI Spec breaking action
id: oasdiff
uses: oasdiff/oasdiff-action/breaking@main
base: openapi/oh.yaml # destination branch oh.yaml
revision: openapi/oh_rev.yaml # generated oh_rev.yaml
format: detailed
# fail-on-diff: false
- name: Show breaking changes output
run: |
echo "Breaking changes output: ${{ steps.oasdiff.outputs.breaking }}"
if [[ "${{ steps.oasdiff.outputs.breaking }}" != "No breaking changes" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Breaking changes detected."
exit 1