Derived from qos_conntrack, with a few bug fixes and updated to work with 3.x kernel builds. See this DD-WRT thread for details.
- QoS labeling isn't working yet. The QoS
values are masked in later builds of DD-WRT, and I'm still figuring out how to calculate QoS priority from them.
From the terminal, SSH (or telnet) into your router and CD to a permanent storage directory (eg. jffs, usb).
Let's call that directory $JFFS
Setting up curl/wget with SSL (HTTPS urls) is a bit of a pain, but if it's available the following is the easiest way to grab the project archive. As an alternative, you can download the zip on your computer and then SCP the files to the router.
export JFFS=/jffs # Replace with the appropriate path
cd $JFFS
curl -O --capath $JFFS/ssl/certs --cacert $JFFS/ssl/certs/cacert.pem -L
The following is the startup script used to run ddwrt_conntrack
But first, try running these commands manually to make sure everything works:
chmod +x $JFFS/ddwrt_conntrack/MyPage/*.sh
cp -r $JFFS/ddwrt_conntrack/MyPage /tmp/
ln -s $JFFS/ddwrt_conntrack/MyPage/www/ddwrt_conntrack.js /tmp/www/
sleep 30 # Wait 30 sec before starting the monitor (only necessary at startup)
$JFFS/ddwrt_conntrack/MyPage/ 10&
Now open a browser to the DD-WRT admin panel, and click 'Status', then 'MyPage'. At this point, the traffic monitor should display active network clients, connections and bandwidth.
In order for the traffic monitor to start automatically after reboot, you need to add the above as a startup script:
- Open the DD-WRT admin panel in your browser
- Go to 'Commands' under 'Administration'
- Paste the bootstrap script into the 'Command Shell' input
- Click 'Save Startup'
If saved successfully, the script will show up in the 'Startup' section of the 'Commands' page.
This will permanently set ddwrt_conntrack to load as 'MyPage' (under 'Status' in the admin panel). Back in the terminal, run the following commands:
nvram set mypage_scripts="$JFFS/ddwrt_conntrack/MyPage/"
nvram commit