the stuff to build docker image for discovery scaling simulator for xCAT
The autobuilt docker image can be found in
The steps to utilize the discovery scaling simulator:
- find a X86_64 baremetal server and install Docker engine on it.
- create a bridge "br0" on Docker host and attach it to a physical NIC facing the xcatd on MN
brctl addbr br0;brctl addif br0 eno1;ifconfig eno1;ifconfig br0
- create route entry to make sure the bridge "br0" can access the internet
ip route add default via
- create a Docker network "mynet" based on the bridge "br0" created in step #2
sudo docker network create --driver=bridge --gateway= --subnet= --ip-range= -o ""="br0" mynet;
- pull the discovery scaling simulator docker image
docker pull xcat/discovery_scaling_simulator
- run a docker container with specified IP address and MAC address to simulate the scaling discovery:
for i in {1..500};do docker run -e "XCATMASTER=" --network mynet --ip 10.4.$[224+i/200].$[i%200+1] --name "node$(printf %04d $i)" --hostname "node$(printf %04d $i)" --mac-address="00:00:00:00:$(printf %02x $[i/256]):$(printf %02x $[i%256])" --entrypoint=/bin/dodiscovery --cap-add=ALL -itd --rm xcat/discovery_scaling_simulator; done
the environment variable "XCATMASTER" specifies the IP address of MN on which xcatd is running