For more information, please visit:
docker build . -t <your username>/nexas
docker run -dp 7007:3000 <your username>/nexas:latest
after installation, nexas will be accessible at: https://localhost:7007 with a sample dataset (long-island-railroad_20090825_0512.gml.20.apx)
(backend) console:
nexas $ python venv venv
nexas $ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) nexas $ cd src
(venv) src $ pip install -r requirements.txt
To test that it creates the files, you can run:
(venv) src $ python --apx "../input/massachusetts_srta_2014-11-13.gml.50.apx" --to "../data/<name>/" --n 10000 --sem "cf2" "stage" --route ""
(frontend) console:
nexas $ cd src
src $ npm install
src $ npm start
(browser) http://localhost:3000/
To see the test data created in the last backend step, use http://localhost:3000?id=<name>
Otherwise, you can create a project from the sidebar, by clicking New Project
at the bottom and providing the inputs in the modal.