imgcook is an ingenious chef who specializes in cooking with something for the Web intelligence.
- JavaScript packages for machine learning
- Pipcook Pipelines
- Pipcook Plugins
- Data Collect
- Data Access
- Data Process
- Model Define
- Model Train
- Model Evaluate
- Resources
- tensorflow/tfjs - A WebGL accelerated JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models.
- yorkie/tensorflow-nodejs - TensorFlow Node.js provides idiomatic JavaScript language bindings and a high layer API for Node.js users.
- BrainJS/brain.js - Machine-learning framework.
- microsoft/onnxjs - ONNX.js: run ONNX models using JavaScript.
- imgcook/datacook - A JavaScript library for feature engineering on datasets.
- opensource9ja/danfojs - danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data.
- oliver-moran/jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
- wooorm/retext - An extensible natural language system.
- wooorm/franc - Detect the language of text.
- sindresorhus/leven - Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm.
- NaturalNode/natural - Natural language facility.
- axa-group/nlp.js - Building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and more.
- opensource9ja/dnotebook - Dnotebook is a Jupyter-like library for javaScript environment. It allows you to create and share pages that contain live code, text and visualizations.
- alibaba/pipcook - Front-End Algorithm Engineering Platform.
This section will list some useful pipelines that you could train locally and use:
$ pipcook run https://uri/to/pipeline
- Image classification
- databinding-image-classification-mobilenet.json a pipeline to classify image in mobilenet.
- databinding-image-classification-resnet.json a pipeline to classify image in resnet.
- Object Detection
- object-detection-yolov5.json(Recommanded) object detection pipeline in lightweight yolov5 model.
- object-detection-fasterrcnn.json object detection pipeline in Faster-RCNN model.
- Text Classification
- text-bayes-classification a bayesian-based model to classify texts.
- Text Creation
- chinese-poem-creation.json creating Chinese poems by yourself.
The following lists Pipcook plugins in category.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-mnist-data-collector Mnist dataset Collector.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-csv-data-collector CSV dataset collector.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-fasttext-data-collector FastText-compatible dataset collector.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-ui-generator Generate UI samples for object detection and image classification pipelines.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-fasttext-model Pipcook plugin for fasttext model definition.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-detectron-maskrcnn-model Pipcook plugin for detectron maskrcnn model definition.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-tensorflow-bert-ner-model-train train a tensorflow-based NER model.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-detectron-model-train train a detectron2-based vision model.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-tensorflow-image-classification-model-train train a tensorflow-based image classfication model.
- imgcook/pipcook-plugin-tfjs-image-classification-model-train train a tfjs-based image classification model.
- 体验机器学习:在Mac电脑上训练和部署一个图片分类模型
- Boa: Use Python functions in Node.js
- How to use free GPU/TPU with Pipcook on Google Colab
The notebooks is based on Google Colab, you can enable its free GPU/TPU to save your time: