This is a fully functional social blog application. The main idea is its functionality, but I tried my best to make it clean and responsive.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# Make sure you have configured the ".env" file like ".env.example" then migrate with prisma.
# If you have problems with migrations, try to delete prisma/migrations folder and run the command again.
$ npx prisma migrate dev --name <MIGRATION_NAME>
- Create accounts, change account informations (location, profession, bio, display name, username, profile picture, cover image).
- Every user has a public profile page which includes a list of the posts that the user has published, a list of the posts that the user hase liked, a cover image of the user and user informations.
- Write posts, delete posts, edit posts (description, content, post image, tags).
- Like posts, add/remove posts to your bookmarks.
- Follow/Unfollow people, list the posts of the ones you have followed (feed).
- List the posts by tags (Max of 5 tag is supported for each post).
- Write comments, up/down vote comments, delete comments, edit comments(content), inspect comments' edit history.
- Mobile friendly as much as I could handle.
- Nuxt Firebase Blog (old)