Wanna modify illa-builder by yourself? Check out this repo!
illa-builder consists of these parts, which are:
- illa-builder (the whole frontend project)
- illa-builder-backend (for managing apps , resources, and actions)
- illa-builder-backend-ws (for managing WebSocket connection)
- illa-supervisor-backend (for managing user info and ABAC)
- illa-supervisor-backend-internal (for illa-builder-backend fetch info which in illa-supervisor-backend)
And the add-ons include:
- nginx (for serving the illa-builder)
- envoy (as all units ingress)
- minio (storage user avatar etc)
- redis (for cache and user session storage)
- postgres (for all data storage)
Get Started with
The Design Documents List
The API Documents List
The Database Schema Design and DDLs
The Docker Image Building & Build Locally Documents List
This project is Apache License 2.0.