Deploy illa utils manually. Docker and k8s are all avaliable in this repo.
Deploy illa utils manually. Docker and k8s are all avaliable in this repo.
(Note: We highly recommended deploying with our auto-deploy tools illa-cli)
- Desc
- Quick Start
- Build Docker All-in-One Image
- Run by Docker Compose
- Run by Kubernetes
- How to Build Your Own Illa Units and Run it Locallly
- Known Issues
- How to Connect My Postgres Database in Resource?
- How to Use My Own External Postgres Database as Datastore for Illa-Builder?
Just type:
mkdir -p ~/illa/database; mkdir -p ~/illa/drive;
docker run -d -p 80:2022 --name illa_builder -v ~/illa/database:/opt/illa/database -v ~/illa/drive:/opt/illa/drive illasoft/illa-builder:latest
And Login with default username root
and password password
(self-host mode (docker all-in-one image) only).