This is a work in progress and not all features were implemented but the engine is usable in a UCI compatible GUI like SCID or Arena.
The move generator is prompt and accurate (using Pradyumna Kannan Magic bitboard). On a Core2 duo 2.66GHz, perft runs 100 Mn/s.
Standard build:
git clone && cd byak
Cross-platform build targeting win32 or win64:
# Install mingw before, ex on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install mingw-w64
# win32 build
TARGET=win32 make
# win64 build
TARGET=win64 make
Download and install MinGW then, configure your environment PATH to add the directory where MinGW is installed (More info)
Download and unzip the sources of Byak :
Open the command prompt, go in the directory where Byak sources were extracted (using cd command) and type the commands below :
For 32bits system :
mingw32-make PLATFORM=win32
For 64bits system :
mingw64-make PLATFORM=win64