The project will build a docker image with up and running Liferay 6.x distribution. The image include :
PostgreSQL 9.3 database
JDK installation from provided tar.gz
Liferay installation from provided Liferay-portal-jboss-6.x bundle zip archive
Note : The docker image should not be used in production environment.
Before running the docker builder, you need to provide following packages in ./assets/packages/ folder :
Oracle JDK archive : jdk-7uXX-linux-x64.tar.gz
Official Liferay Poratal 6.x jboss bundle .zip archive : liferay-portal-jboss-6.x<...>.zip
Liferay license .xml file : license<...>.xml
Added to those packages, you may need to create a "/opt/liferay/docker" folder to be able to link a host deploy folder to the one in the container (used in the docker run command below)
From project root folder :
docker build -t postgre-liferay-6.x.x .
JOB=$(docker run -d -v /opt/liferay/docker:/opt/liferay/deploy -p 40022:22 -p 45432:5432 -p 48080:8080 -p 48787:8787 --name postgre-liferay-6.x.x postgre-liferay-6.x.x)
docker start $JOB
Note :
Arbitrary image and container name : postgre-liferay-6.x.x
Arbitrary port mapping :
port 22 is mapped to 40022
port 5432 is mapped to 45432
port 8080 is mapped to 48080
port 8787 is mapped to 48787
System account :
user : root
pwd : admin
Database accounts :
PostgreSQL administration :
user : docker
pwd : docker
Liferay Database : lportal
user : lportal
pwd : lportal
Open http://localhost:48080 in the browser of your choice and finish portal initialization.
Note : Please note that the first Liferay startup can take up to few minutes.