Move VK Albums to Imgur
Steps to run :-
- Get VK_APP_ID, VK_CLIENT_SECRET and VK_REDIRECT_URL by creating an app here:
- Get Authorization code (VK_CODE) by hitting this url :<VK_APP_ID>&display=page&redirect_uri=<VK_REDIRECT_URL>&scope=photos&response_type=code&v=5.69
- Create an Imgur Client here : and get IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET
- Replace STATIC_PATH with your src/main/resources/static folder path.
- Add your vk album details in album-config.json
- Run the maven app and hit http://localhost:8080/imgur/upload
Things to keep in mind :-
- VK Album should not contain more than 1000 photos.
- Imgur starts rate limiting (both by ip address and client secrets) after 1250 uploads per day. So either try one album at a time, or use a vpn and get multiple IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET to bypass that.