A PyRAF-based reduction pipeline for spectra taken with the Palomar 200-inch Double Spectrograph.
This pipeline provides a simplified interface for basic reduction of single-object spectra with minimal overhead. It is suitable for quicklook classification of transients as well as moderate-precision (few km/s) radial velocity work.
Tested with IRAF 2.16.1, PyRAF 2.1.6.
This version of the pipeline was developed mainly by Zhuyun Zhuang and Kevin Burdge. The final version of the pipeline dbsp_new.py
and the
updated documentation were put together during a DBSP data reduction workshop at Caltech in February 2019. Contributors include: Scott
Adams, Igor Andreoni, Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Kishalay De, Alison Dugas, Matthew Hankins, Anna Ho, Yuhan Yao, and Zhuang Zhuyun.
Find the full documentation here
The original version of this pipeline was developed by Eric Bellm and Branimir Sesar (https://github.com/ebellm/pyraf-dbsp). Find the full documentation of the original version here
If you use this pipeline in published work, we request that you cite the ASCL entry: 2016ascl.soft02002B.