ofmeet is single plugin
This version returns ofmeet back to being to a single plugin.
1.2.0 -- December 12, 2020
- Fixed Issue #119 - Wrong URL path colibiri-ws
- Fixed Issue #126 - Moderator rights are not given until user interacts with the UI
- Fixed Issue #132 - Merge jicofo and jigasi wrappers into ofmeet plugin
- Fixed Issue #120 - Dominant Speaker Switching don't work
- Fixed Issue #134 - Enhancement: Avoid flickering of fine-grained screen shares
- Fixed Issue #137 - Feature Request: Allow to set a Message to notice Participants
- Fixed Issue #139 - Error: offocus 1.1.3 plugin Could not find or load main class
- Fixed Issue #142 - Enhancement: Auto-close all information banners
- Fixed Issue #144 - Enhancement: add several options to meeting settings
- Fixed Issue #145 - Enhancement: Deliver Administrative Messages to Meeting Participants