Winston Express is a helper for express, that allows you to log to winston from the browser.
It is simple to use.
var winstonExpress = require('winston-express')
, winston = require('winston')
, express = require('express')
, app = express.createServer();
// winstonExpress takes two parameters,
// an express app, and a winston logger instance.
winstonExpress(app, winston);
Only call winstonExpress()
once, or bad things could happen
Add the following script tag to your html:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/winston/client.js"></script>
Winston Express requires jQuery to be included before itself in the browser.
From there, you are ready to go! Anywhere in your browser side code you can use winston:
winston.log('info', 'This is informational...');'This is more info');
winston.myCustomLevel('winston is aware of error levels you define');
winston.anotherCustomLevel('but only if you define them before calling winstonExpress()');
winston.log('debug', 'meta data is also allowed', {this: 'is', meta: 'data'});
To update the package version and publishing the new version to use:
npm version patch
npm publish
The npm version patch
command will update the patch version number in the package.json file.
The npm publish
command will publish the new version to
Note: Previously, this package was not under the ifit npm organization and older versions of the package were published here The package has now been relocated to the ifit organization at and new versions will only be published there.