We the management,faculty and students of Cochin University of Science and Technology, make it a point to align ourselves with the goals and vision of IEEE. We push all the members to innovate, partake and grow through the various activities that are conducted for and by the club.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).A student branch of the IEEE was established in the university in 1986 as the 4th Student Branch Chapter in IEEE Kerala section.Majority of the members are undergraduates from School of Engineering. The IEEE student members receive all the technical and professional benefits of IEEE membership at subsidized rates. The branch is supervised by a Branch Counsellor who is a faculty member of the university having an IEEE membership.We continue our voyage across the skies of career building and critical skills, with all our 200 plus members in tow. Challenges and experiences have only made us better over the years, and here we are —one of the finest branches in the hub.
University Road
South Kalamassery
Kochi, Kerala