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ICON SCORE Development Suite (T-Bears) Tutorial

This tutorial is intended to give an introduction to using T-Bears. This guide will walk you through the basics of setting up your development environment and the usage of T-Bears CLI commands.

T-Bears is a suite of development tools for SCORE. T-Bears provides a project template for SCORE to help you start right away. You can code and test your smart contract locally in an emulated environment, and when ready, deploy SCORE onto the ICON network from command-line interface.




A module that handles ICON JSON-RPC API request and sends response back to the client.

ICON Service

A module that manages the lifecycle of SCORE and its execution. SCORE's state transition is stored in a database.

T-Bears CLI

T-Bears Command Line Interface. Supports following functions:

  • Manage T-Bears service
  • Deploy SCORE
  • Send transaction
  • Send query request

For the details, see below 'Command-line Interfaces (CLIs)' chapter.

T-Bears Block Manager

Loopchain emulator for T-Bears Service. It does not have full 'consensus' and 'peer management' functions. This module handles transaction and emulates block generation.

Message queue

Message queue is used for inter-component communication.

Quick start

You can run T-Bears on your machine by using Docker.

The below command will download T-Bears Docker image and run T-Bears Docker container.

docker run -it -p 9000:9000 iconloop/tbears:mainnet

Please check the following links for more information. T-Bears Docker

Building from source

First, clone this project. Then go to the project directory, create a virtualenv environment, and run build script. You can then install T-Bears with the .whl file.

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv  # Create a virtual environment.
$ source venv/bin/activate    # Enter the virtual environment.
(venv)$ ./            # run build script
(venv)$ ls dist/              # check result wheel file


This chapter will explain how to install T-Bears on your system.


ICON SCORE development and execution requires following environments :

  • OS: MacOS or Linux

    • Windows is not supported.
  • Python

    • Make a virtualenv for Python 3.7
    • Check your Python version
      $ python3 -V
    • IDE: Pycharm is recommended.



name description github
LevelDB ICON SCORE uses levelDB to store its states. LevelDB GitHub

Setup on MacOS

# install develop tools
$ brew install leveldb
$ brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config

# install RabbitMQ and start service
$ brew install rabbitmq
$ brew services start rabbitmq

# Create a working directory
$ mkdir work
$ cd work

# install Reward calculator
$ git clone
$ cd rewardcalculator
$ make
$ make install

# setup the python virtualenv development environment
$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 .
$ source bin/activate

# Install the ICON SCORE dev tools
(work) $ pip install tbears

Setup on Linux

# Install levelDB
$ sudo apt-get install libleveldb-dev

# install RabbitMQ and start service
$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
$ sudo service rabbitmq-server start

# Create a working directory
$ mkdir work
$ cd work

# install Reward calculator
$ git clone
$ cd rewardcalculator
$ make
$ make install

# Setup the python virtualenv development environment
$ virtualenv -p python3 .
$ source bin/activate

# Install the ICON SCORE dev tools
(work) $ pip install tbears

How to use T-Bears

Command-line Interfaces (CLIs)


T-Bears provides over 20 commands. Here is the available commands list.


usage: tbears [-h] [-v] command ...

tbears v1.2.1 arguments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Verbose mode

Available commands:
  If you want to see help message of commands, use "tbears command -h"

    start        Start tbears service
    stop         Stop tbears service
                 Synchronize revision and governance SCORE with the mainnet
    deploy       Deploy the SCORE
    clear        Clear all SCOREs deployed on tbears service
    test         Run the unittest in the SCORE
    init         Initialize tbears project
    samples      This command has been deprecated since v1.1.0
    genconf      Generate tbears config files. (tbears_server_config.json,
                 tbears_cli_config.json and keystore_test1)
    console      Get into tbears interactive mode by embedding IPython
    txresult     Get transaction result by transaction hash
    transfer     Transfer ICX coin.
    keystore     Create a keystore file in the specified path
    keyinfo      Show a keystore file information the specified path
    balance      Get balance of given address in loop unit
    totalsupply  Query total supply of ICX in loop unit
    scoreapi     Get score's api using given score address
    txbyhash     Get transaction by transaction hash
    lastblock    Get last block's info
    blockbyhash  Get block info using given block hash
                 Get block info using given block height
    sendtx       Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file and
                 keystore file. If keystore file is not given, tbears sends
                 request as it is in the json file.
    call         Request icx_call with the specified json file.


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode. Print debugging messages about its progress.

T-Bears server commands

Commands that manage the T-Bears server. There are three commands tbears start, tbears stop, tbears clear and tbears sync_mainnet.

tbears start


Start T-Bears service. Whenever T-Bears service starts, it loads the configuration from tbears_server_config.json file. If you want to use other configuration file, you can specify the file location with the -c option.


usage: tbears start [-h] [-a HOSTADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-c CONFIG]

Start tbears service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Address to host on (default:
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port to listen on (default: 9000)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        tbears configuration file path (default: ./tbears_server_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --address IP address that the T-Bears service will host on.
-p, --port 9000 Port number that the T-Bears service will listen on.
-c, --config ./tbears_server_config.json T-Bears configuration file path

tbears stop


Stop all running SCOREs and T-Bears service.


usage: tbears stop [-h]

Stop all running SCOREs and tbears service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit

tbears clear


Clear all SCOREs deployed on local T-Bears service.


usage: tbears clear [-h]

Clear all SCOREs deployed on local tbears service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit

tbears sync_mainnet


Synchronize revision and governance SCORE with the mainnet


usage: tbears sync_mainnet [-h]

Synchronize revision and governance SCORE with the mainnet

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit

T-Bears utility commands

Commands that generate configuration file and keystore file.

tbears keystore


Create a keystore file in the given path. Generate a private and public key pair


usage: tbears keystore [-h] [-p PASSWORD] path

Create keystore file in the specified path. Generate privatekey, publickey

positional arguments:
  path                  Path of keystore file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Keystore file's password


shorthand, Name default Description
path a keystore file path that is to be generated
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --password Keystore file's password


(work) $ tbears keystore keystore_file
Input your keystore password:
Retype your keystore password:
Made keystore file successfully

tbears keyinfo


Show a keystore information(address, privateKey, publicKey) in the specified path.


usage: tbears keyinfo [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [--private-key] path

Show a keystore information(address, privateKey, publicKey) in the specified
path. If you want to get privateKey, input --private-key option

positional arguments:
  path                  Path of keystore file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Keystore file's password
  --private-key         option that whether show privateKey


shorthand, Name default Description
path a keystore file path that is to be shown
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --password Keystore file's password
--private-key option that whether show privateKey


(work) $ tbears keyinfo keystore
Input your keystore password:
    "address": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
    "publicKey": "0x040d60ccc4fd29307304a8e84715e6e1a2e643bcff14fbf90d9099dfc84585a6f6f0b6944594efebe433a12a005ba56d215d6e51697a3360b5d741f8db89955c66"

(work) $ tbears keyinfo --private-key keystore
Input your keystore password:
    "address": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
    "publicKey": "0x040d60ccc4fd29307304a8e84715e6e1a2e643bcff14fbf90d9099dfc84585a6f6f0b6944594efebe433a12a005ba56d215d6e51697a3360b5d741f8db89955c66",
    "privateKey": "54483cf6c525f831da699d73d273e48aa88c963ed5ac485b207c7bf4a57ddce1"

tbears genconf


Generate T-Bears config files and keystore files.

usage: tbears genconf [-h]

Generate T-Bears config files and keystore files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit


(work) $ tbears genconf
Made tbears_cli_config.json, tbears_server_config.json, ./keystore/* successfully

T-Bears SCORE commands

These commands are related to SCORE development and execution. tbears init generates SCORE projects. tbears deploy, tbears sendtx and tbears call commands are used to deploy the SCORE, send a transaction, and call a function.

tbears init


Initialize SCORE development environment. Generate <project>.py, package.json and test code in <project> directory. The name of the SCORE class is <scoreClass>. Default configuration files, "tbears_server_config.json" used when starting T-Bears and "tbears_cli_config.json" used when deploying SCORE, are also generated.


usage: tbears init [-h] project scoreClass

Initialize SCORE development environment. Generate <project>.py, package.json
and test code in <project> directory. The name of the score class is

positional arguments:
  project     Project name
  scoreClass  SCORE class name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
project Project name
scoreClass SCORE class name
-h, --help show this help message and exit


(work) $ tbears init hello HelloWorld
Initialized hello successfully
(work) $ ls hello  package.json  tests

File description

Item Description
tbears_server_config.json T-Bears default configuration file will be created on the working directory.
tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file for CLI commands will be created on the working directory.
keystore/* Keystore file for test account and P-Reps.
<project> SCORE project name. Project directory is created with the same name.
<project>/ file to make the project directory recognized as a python package.
<project>/package.json Contains the information needed when SCORE is loaded.
"main_module" and "main_class" should be specified.
<project>/.py SCORE main file, where scoreClass is defined.
<project>/tests Directory for SCORE test code.
<project>/tests/ file to make the test directory recognized as a python package.
<project>/tests/ SCORE test main file.

tbears deploy


Deploy the SCORE. You can deploy it on local T-Bears service or on ICON network.

"tbears_cli_config.json" file contains the deployment configuration properties. (See below 'Configuration Files' chapter). If you want to use other configuration file, you can specify the file location with the '-c' option.


usage: tbears deploy [-h] [-u URI] [-t {tbears,zip}] [-m {install,update}]
                     [-f FROM] [-o TO] [-k KEYSTORE] [-n NID] [-p PASSWORD]
                     [-s STEPLIMIT] [-c CONFIG]

Deploy the SCORE

positional arguments:
  project               Project directory path or zip file path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -t {tbears,zip}, --type {tbears,zip}
                        This option is deprecated since version 1.0.5. Deploy
                        command supports zip type only
  -m {install,update}, --mode {install,update}
                        Deploy mode (default: install)
  -f FROM, --from FROM  From address. i.e. SCORE owner address
  -o TO, --to TO        To address. i.e. SCORE address
  -k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
                        Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address
                        and transaction signature
  -n NID, --nid NID     Network ID
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        keystore file's password
  -s STEPLIMIT, --step-limit STEPLIMIT
                        Step limit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        deploy config path (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
project Project directory or zip file which contains the SCORE package. If you want to deploy with a zip file, zip the project directory
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-t {tbears,zip}, --type {tbears,zip} This option is deprecated since version 1.0.5. Deploy command supports zip type only
-m {install,update},
--mode {install,update}
install Deploy mode ("install" or "update").
-f, --from From address. i.e. SCORE owner address. It is ignored if keystore is set
-o, --to To address. i.e. SCORE address
This parameter is required when updating SCORE.
-k, --key-store Keystore file path for SCORE owner
-n, --nid Network ID of node.
Each network has unique ID. If the Network ID does not match, node will reject the SCORE. Network ID will be announced when a network opens to public.
0x3 is reserved for T-Bears service. However, T-Bears service does not verify the Network ID.
-p, --password Password of keystore file
-s, --step-limit an estimated Step Step limit of the transaction
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path


# you can deploy a SCORE to the local T-Bears server without verifying signature
(work) $ tbears deploy hello

# when you deploy a SCORE to ICON, you need to specify the keystore file
# config.json should contain valid parameters like node-uri, nid, etc.
(work) $ tbears deploy hello -k keystore -c config.json
Input your keystore password:
Send deploy request successfully.
If you want to check SCORE deployed successfully, execute txresult command
transaction hash: 0x9c294b9608d9575f735ec2e2bf52dc891d7cca6a2fa7e97aee4818325c8a9d41

# when you update the SCORE 'hello', you need to specify the SCORE address with the '-o' option
(work) $ tbears deploy hello -m update -o cx6bd390bd855f086e3e9d525b46bfe24511431532 -k keystore -c config.json
Input your keystore password:
Send deploy request successfully.
If you want to check SCORE deployed successfully, execute txresult command
transaction hash: 0xad292b9608d9575f735ec2ebbf52dc891d7cca6a2fa7e97aee4818325c80934d

T-Bears can supply some required fields on behalf of the sender when those are not specified in the configuration file. T-Bears will generate a valid JSON request using the following rules.

Field name Description
stepLimit The estimated Step usage (debug_estimateStep API is used) will be set for the transaction
timestamp The current time will be set

tbears test


Run the unittest in the project.


usage: tbears test [-h] project

Run the unittest in the project

positional arguments:
  project     Project directory path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


shorthand, Name default Description
project Project directory which contains the SCORE package and test code.
-h, --help show this help message and exit


(work) $ tbears test hello
Ran 2 tests in 0.172s


tbears sendtx


Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file.

usage: tbears sendtx [-h] [-u URI] [-k KEYSTORE] [-c CONFIG] [-p PASSWORD]
                     [-s STEPLIMIT]

Request `icx_sendTransaction` with the specified json file and keystore file. If
keystore file is not given, tbears sends request as it is in the json file.

positional arguments:
  json_file             File path containing icx_sendTransaction content

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
                        Keystore file path. Used to generate "from"address and
                        transaction signature
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default:
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Keystore file's password
  -s STEPLIMIT, --step-limit STEPLIMIT
                        Step limit


shorthand, Name default Description
json_file Path to the json file containing the request object for icx_transaction.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-k, --key-store Keystore file path. Used to generate transaction signature.
-p, --password Password of keystore file
-s, --step-limit an estimated Step Step limit of the transaction
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default values for the properties "keyStore", "uri" and "from".


(work) $ cat send.json
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_sendTransaction",
  "params": {
    "version": "0x3",
    "from": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
    "to": "cx4d5a79f329adcf00a3daa99539f0eeea2d43d239",
    "nid": "0x3",
    "dataType": "call",
    "data": {
      "method": "setValue",
      "params": {
        "value": "0x123"

(work) $ tbears sendtx send.json -k keystore
Input your keystore password:
Send transaction request successfully.
transaction hash: 0xc8a3e3f77f21f8f1177d829cbc4c0ded6fd064cc8e42ef309dacff5c0a952289

T-Bears can supply some required fields on behalf of the sender when those are not specified in the json_file. In the example above, stepLimit and timestamp fields are not specified, but T-Bears can make a valid JSON request using the following rules.

Field name Description
stepLimit The estimated Step usage (debug_estimateStep API is used) will be set for the transaction
timestamp The current time will be set

tbears call


Request icx_call with the specified json file.

usage: tbears call [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] json_file

Request icx_call with the specified json file.

positional arguments:
  json_file             File path containing icx_call content

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
json_file Path to the json file containing the request object for icx_call
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default values for the properties "keyStore", "uri" and "from".


(work) $ cat call.json
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_call",
  "params": {
    "to": "cx53d5080a7d8a805bb10eb9bc64637809dc910832",
    "dataType": "call",
    "data": {
      "method": "hello"
  "id": 1
(work) $ tbears call call.json
response : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "Hello",
    "id": 1

tbears scoreapi


Get list of APIs that the given SCORE provides. Please refer to icx_getScoreApi of ICON JSON-RPC API v3 for details.


usage: tbears scoreapi [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address

Get SCORE's API using given SCORE address

positional arguments:
  address                  SCORE address to query SCORE API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
address SCORE address to query APIs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node.
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears scoreapi cx0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdefabcdef12
        "type": "function",
        "name": "hello",
        "inputs": [],
        "outputs": [
                "type": "str"
        "readonly": "0x1"
        "type": "function",
        "name": "setValue",
        "inputs": [
                "name": "value",
                "type": "int"
        "outputs": []

T-Bears other commands

Commands that are related to ICX coin, transaction, and block.

tbears transfer


Transfer designated amount of ICX coins.


usage: tbears transfer [-h] [-f FROM] [-k KEYSTORE] [-n NID] [-u URI]
                       [-p PASSWORD] [-s STEPLIMIT] [-c CONFIG]
                       to value

Transfer ICX coin.

positional arguments:
  to                    Recipient
  value                 Amount of ICX coin in loop to transfer (1 icx = 1e18

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FROM, --from FROM  From address.
  -k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
                        Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address
                        and transaction signature
  -n NID, --nid NID     Network ID (default: 0x3)
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Keystore file's password
  -s STEPLIMIT, --step-limit STEPLIMIT
                        Step limit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        values for the properties "keyStore", "uri", "from"
                        and "stepLimit". (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
to Recipient address.
value Amount of ICX coin in loop to transfer to "to" address. (1 icx = 1e18 loop)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --from From address. It is ignored if keystore is set
-k, --key-store Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address and transaction signature.
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-n, --nid 0x3 Network ID
-p, --password Password of keystore file
-s, --step-limit an estimated Step Step limit of the transaction
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default values for the properties "keyStore", "uri" and "from".


(work) $ tbears transfer -k test_keystore hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab 1e18
Send transfer request successfully.
transaction hash: 0xc1b92b9a08d8575f735ec2ebbf52dc831d7c2a6a2fa7e97aee4818325cad919e

tbears balance


Get balance of given address.


usage: tbears balance [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address

Get balance of given address in loop unit

positional arguments:
  address               Address to query the ICX balance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
address Address to query the ICX balance
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears balance hx0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdefabcdef12
balance in hex: 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000
balance in decimal: 800460000000000000000000000

tbears totalsupply


Query total supply of ICX.


usage: tbears totalsupply [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

Query total supply of ICX in loop unit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears totalsupply
Total supply of ICX in hex: 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000
Total supply of ICX in decimal: 800460000000000000000000000

tbears txresult


Get transaction result by transaction hash.


usage: tbears txresult [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash

Get transaction result by transaction hash

positional arguments:
  hash                  Transaction hash of the transaction to be queried.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
hash Hash of the transaction to be queried
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears txresult 0x227fb3e6fdc89de8d24e019b1ddc88538633c4202102297da204444d393249c2
Transaction result: {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "txHash": "0x227fb3e6fdc89de8d24e019b1ddc88538633c4202102297da204444d393249c2",
        "blockHeight": "0x2",
        "blockHash": "28e6e4710c56e053920b95df0058317a4ac641b16d17d64db7f958e8a5650391",
        "txIndex": "0x0",
        "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "scoreAddress": "cx6bd390bd855f086e3e9d525b46bfe24511431532",
        "stepUsed": "0xe2a4",
        "stepPrice": "0x0",
        "cumulativeStepUsed": "0xe2a4",
        "eventLogs": [],
        "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "status": "0x1"
    "id": 1

tbears txbyhash


Get transaction by transaction hash


usage: tbears txbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash

Get transaction by transaction hash

positional arguments:
  hash                  Hash of the transaction to be queried

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
hash Hash of the transaction to be queried
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears txbyhash 0x95be9f0247bc3b7ed07fe07c53613c580642ef991c574c85db45dbac9e8366df

Transaction: {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "0x3",
        "from": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
        "value": "0x0",
        "stepLimit": "0x3000000",
        "timestamp": "0x572e8fd95db26",
        "nid": "0x3",
        "nonce": "0x1",
        "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "data": {
            "contentType": "application/zip",
            "content": "0x32b34cfa39993fa093e",
            "params": {}
        "dataType": "deploy",
        "signature": "sig",
        "txIndex": "0x0",
        "blockHeight": "0x2",
        "blockHash": "0x28e6e4710c56e053920b95df0058317a4ac641b16d17d64db7f958e8a5650391"
    "id": 1

tbears lastblock


Query last block info. When running on T-Bears service, "merkle_tree_root_hash" and "signature" will be empty.


usage: tbears lastblock [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

Get last block info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears lastblock

block info : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "tbears",
        "prev_block_hash": "815c0fd7a0dd4594bb19ee39030c1bd91c200878f1f456fe8dd7ff4e0a19b839",
        "merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_does_not_support_merkel_tree",
        "time_stamp": 1533719896011654,
        "confirmed_transaction_list": [
                "version": "0x3",
                "from": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
                "value": "0x0",
                "stepLimit": "0x3000000",
                "timestamp": "0x572e8fd95db26",
                "nid": "0x3",
                "nonce": "0x1",
                "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "data": {
                    "contentType": "application/zip",
                    "content": "0x32b34cfa39993fa093e",
                    "params": {}
                "dataType": "deploy",
                "signature": "sig"
        "block_hash": "28e6e4710c56e053920b95df0058317a4ac641b16d17d64db7f958e8a5650391",
        "height": 2,
        "peer_id": "fb5f43dc-9aeb-11e8-a31b-acde48001122",
        "signature": "tbears_does_not_support_signature"
    "id": 1

tbears blockbyheight


Get block info using given block height.


usage: tbears blockbyheight [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] height

Get block info using given block height

positional arguments:
  height                  height of the block to be queried

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


shorthand, Name default Description
height Height of the block to be queried
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


(work) $ tbears blockbyheight 0x1

block info : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "tbears",
        "prev_block_hash": "859083707985809a8b52982b9d8d86bfe48c0020a478b3a99d7eeb3c74c38e7c",
        "merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_does_not_support_merkel_tree",
        "time_stamp": 1533719753948440,
        "confirmed_transaction_list": [
                "version": "0x3",
                "from": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
                "value": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
                "stepLimit": "0x2000",
                "timestamp": "0x572e8f51e4481",
                "nid": "0x3",
                "nonce": "0x1",
                "to": "hxbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab",
                "signature": "f2B3r27u7peL3I9uBnKA8yn82odqlMECU+UBkRiZTJIwWFo57AmlUjKhoK8OZBBRdaWWmLF+JTZNs70yF8+zIwA="
        "block_hash": "815c0fd7a0dd4594bb19ee39030c1bd91c200878f1f456fe8dd7ff4e0a19b839",
        "height": 1,
        "peer_id": "a6b22354-9aeb-11e8-a0ae-acde48001122",
        "signature": "tbears_does_not_support_signature"
    "id": 1

tbears blockbyhash


Get block info using given block hash.


shorthand, Name default Description
hash Hash of the block to be queried
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --node-uri URI of node
-c, --config ./tbears_cli_config.json Configuration file path. This file defines the default value for the "uri".


usage: tbears blockbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash

Get block info using given block hash

positional arguments:
  hash                  hash of the block to be queried

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)


(work) $ tbears blockbyhash 0xce00facd0ac3832e1e6e623d8f4b9344782da881e55abb48d1494fde9e465f78

block info : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "tbears",
        "prev_block_hash": "859083707985809a8b52982b9d8d86bfe48c0020a478b3a99d7eeb3c74c38e7c",
        "merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_does_not_support_merkel_tree",
        "time_stamp": 1533719753948440,
        "confirmed_transaction_list": [
                "version": "0x3",
                "from": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
                "value": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
                "stepLimit": "0x2000",
                "timestamp": "0x572e8f51e4481",
                "nid": "0x3",
                "nonce": "0x1",
                "to": "hxbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab",
                "signature": "f2B3r27u7peL3I9uBnKA8yn82odqlMECU+UBkRiZTJIwWFo57AmlUjKhoK8OZBBRdaWWmLF+JTZNs70yF8+zIwA="
        "block_hash": "815c0fd7a0dd4594bb19ee39030c1bd91c200878f1f456fe8dd7ff4e0a19b839",
        "height": 1,
        "peer_id": "a6b22354-9aeb-11e8-a0ae-acde48001122",
        "signature": "tbears_does_not_support_signature"
    "id": 1

tbears console


Enter T-Bears interactive mode using IPython. (


usage: tbears console [-h]

Get into tbears interactive mode by embedding IPython

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


In the interactive mode, you can execute command in short form (without tbears) by predefined IPython's magic command. TAB will complete T-Bears's command or variable names. Use TAB.

(work) $ tbears console
tbears) start
Started tbears service successfully

tbears) balance hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6

balance : 0x0

In IPython, you can access previous output using "_" expression.

tbears) pwd

tbears) _

You can access nth-output using _n-th expression. The Out object is a dictionary mapping input numbers to their outputs.

tbears) '1'

tbears) 'second'

tbears) 3

tbears) _2

tbears) Out
{1: '1', 2: 'second', 3: 3, 4: 'second'}

You can pass the value of a variable as an argument by prefixing the variable name with "$".

tbears) address = f"hx{'0'*40}"

tbears) balance $address

balance : 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000

You should use "{}" expression when you pass a member of list or dictionary.

tbears) deploy sample_token

Send deploy request successfully.
transaction hash: 0x541d8c9d3e12d92ad50897f81178301f21650b0b48dd5cc722b28b5c56cbc29a

tbears) txresult {_['result']}

{'jsonrpc': '2.0',
 'result': {'txHash': '0xd1ee48aa5d26c1deb275da644e4ffe607c9e556474403c51040dfa59b0dd563c',
  'blockHeight': '0x3',

In the interactive mode, deployresults command is available to list up the SCOREs that have been deployed while T-Bears interactive mode is running.

tbears) deployresults
1.path : hello/, txhash : 0x583a89ec656d71d1641945a39792e016eefd6221ad536f9c312957f0c4336774, deployed in :
2.path : token/, txhash : 0x8c2fe3c877d46b7a1ba7feb117d0b12c8b88f33517ad2315ec45e8b7223c22f8, deployed in :
3.path : abctoken/, txhash : 0xee6e311d2652fd5ed5981f4906bca5d4d6933400721fcbf3528249d7bf460e42, deployed in :

T-Bears assigns T-Bears command execution result to '_r' variable.

tbears) deploy sample_token
Send deploy request successfully.
transaction hash: 0x5257b44fe0f36c492e255dbfcdb2ca1134dc9a942b875241d01db3d36ac2bdc8

tbears) result = _r

tbears) result
{'jsonrpc': '2.0',
 'result': '0x5257b44fe0f36c492e255dbfcdb2ca1134dc9a942b875241d01db3d36ac2bdc8',
 'id': 1}

tbears) txresult {result['result']}
Transaction result: {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "txHash": "0x5257b44fe0f36c492e255dbfcdb2ca1134dc9a942b875241d01db3d36ac2bdc8",
        "blockHeight": "0x1",
        "blockHash": "9c06e5c1bbd8ed1efc1ec7d1be59b64dd102bde43fc13c3f22e25e5aaa1eda51",
        "txIndex": "0x0",
        "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "scoreAddress": "cxb8f2c9ba48856df2e889d1ee30ff6d2e002651cf",

tbears) scoreapi {_r['result']['scoreAddress']}
        "type": "fallback",
        "name": "fallback",
        "inputs": []

Configuration Files


When starting T-Bears (tbears start), tbears_server_config.json is used to configure the parameters and initial settings.

    "hostAddress": "",
    "port": 9000,
    "scoreRootPath": "./.score",
    "stateDbRootPath": "./.statedb",
    "log": {
        "logger": "tbears",
        "level": "info",
        "filePath": "./tbears.log",
        "colorLog": true,
        "outputType": "file",
        "rotate": {
            "type": "bytes",
            "maxBytes": 10485760,
            "backupCount": 10
    "service": {
        "fee": false,
        "audit": false,
        "deployerWhiteList": false
    "genesis": {
        "nid": "0x3",
        "accounts": [
                "name": "genesis",
                "address": "hx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "balance": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000"
                "name": "fee_treasury",
                "address": "hx1000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "balance": "0x0"
                "name": "test1",
                "address": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
                "balance": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000"
    "blockConfirmInterval": 2,
    "blockConfirmEmpty": true,
    "mainPRepCount": 4,
    "iissCalculatePeriod": 30,
    "termPeriod": 30
Field Data type Description
hostAddress string IP address that T-Bears service will listen on.
port int Port number that T-Bears service will listen on.
scoreRootPath string Root directory where SCORE will be installed.
stateDbRootPath string Root directory where state DB file will be created.
log dict T-Bears log setting
log.logger string Main logger in process
log.level string log level.
"debug", "info", "warning", "error"
log.filePath string Log file path.
log.colorLog boolean Log display option (color or black)
log.outputType string “console”: log outputs to the console that T-Bears is running.
“file”: log outputs to the file path.
“console|file”: log outputs to both console and file.
log.rotate dict Log rotate setting
log.rotate.type string "peroid": rotate by period.
"bytes": rotate by maxBytes.
"period|bytes": log rotate to both period and bytes.
log.rotate.period string use logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler 'when'
ex) daily, weekly, hourly or minutely
log.rotate.interval string use logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler 'interval'
ex) (period: hourly, interval: 24) == (period: daily, interval: 1)
log.rotate.maxBytes integer use logging.RotatingFileHandler 'maxBytes'
ex) 10mb == 10 * 1024 * 1024
log.rotate.backupCount integer limit log file count
service didct T-Bears service setting
service.fee boolean true | false. Charge a fee per transaction when enabled
service.audit boolean true | false. Audit deploy transactions when enabled
service.deployerWhiteList boolean true | false. Limit SCORE deploy permission when enabled
genesis dict Genesis information of T-Bears node.
genesis.nid string Network ID.
genesis.accounts list List of accounts that holds initial coins.
(index 0) genesis: account that holds initial coins.
(index 1) fee_treasury: account that collects transaction fees.
(index 2~): test accounts that you can add.
channel string channel name interact with iconrpcserver and iconservice
amqpKey string amqp key name interact with iconrpcserver and iconservice
amqpTarget string amqp target name interact with iconrpcserver and iconservice
blockConfirmInterval integer Confirm block every N seconds
blockConfirmEmpty boolean true | false. Confirm empty block when enabled
mainPRepCount integer IISS main P-Rep count
termPeriod integer Term of main P-Rep


For every T-Bears CLI commands except start, stop, clear, init and keystore, this file is used to configure the default parameters and initial settings.

In this configuration file, you can define default options values for some CLI commands. For example, SCORE's on_install() or on_update() method is called on deployment. You can set the deploy mode and the parameters (scoreParams) of on_install() or on_update() as shown below.

    "uri": "",
    "nid": "0x3",
    "keyStore": null,
    "from": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
    "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "deploy": {
        "mode": "install",
        "scoreParams": {}
    "txresult": {},
    "transfer": {}
Field Data type Description
uri string URI to send the request.
nid string Network ID. 0x3 is reserved for T-Bears.
keyStore string Keystore file path.
from string From address. It is ignored if 'keyStore' is set.
to string To address.
stepLimit string (optional) stepLimit value.
deploy dict Options for deploy command.
deploy.mode string Deploy mode.
install: new SCORE deployment.
update: update the SCORE that was previously deployed.
deploy.scoreParams dict Parameters to be passed to on_install() or on_update()
deploy.from string Address of the SCORE deployer
Optional. This value will override "from" value. If not given, "from" value will be used. string Used when update SCORE (The address of the SCORE being updated).
In the case of "install" mode, the address should be 'cx0000~'.
Optional. This value will override "to" value. If not given, "to" value will be used.
txresult dict Options for txresult command.
You can define command options in a dict.
transfer dict Options for transfer command.
You can define command options in a dict.

Following CLI commands and options can be defined in the configuration file.

Command Options
deploy uri, nid, keyStore, from, to, mode, scoreParams, stepLimit
transfer uri, nid, keyStore, from, stepLimit
sendtx uri, nid, keyStore, from, stepLimit

keystore files

  • keystore_test1 Keystore file for the test account. Password of this keystore file is test1_Account. You can find the test account 'test1' in tbears_server_config.json and this test account has enough balance to test on local environment.

    Do not transfer any ICX or tokens to 'test1' account.

  • prepN_keystore Keystore files for the main P-Rep. Password of these keystore files are prepN_Account. sync_mainnet command makes 4 main P-Reps and you can manage these 4 main P-Rep accounts with prepN_keystore files.



This project follows the Apache 2.0 License. Please refer to LICENSE for details.