This is a collection of Matlab functions and demos to demonstrate the techniques described in the following paper:
Biyik E, Ilicak E, Çukur T. Reconstruction by calibration over tensors for multi‐coil multi‐acquisition balanced SSFP imaging. Magn Reson Med 2017. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26902.
You are encouraged to modify/distribute this code. However, please acknowledge this code and cite the paper appropriately. This code utilizes and requires SPIRiT library and TensorLab package.
demo_ReCat.m : Demonstrates the LSQR implementation of ReCat.
demo_MLCC.m : Demonstrates multi-linear coil compression in comparison to geometric decomposition coil compression (Zhang et. al, "Coil Compression for Accelerated Imaging with Cartesian Sampling").
For any questions, comments and contributions, please contact Tolga Cukur (cukur[at]
(c) ICON Lab 2017