my secret muti compute lib include schnorr sign ,oblivious transform , verify secret share .....
(1)、 verify secret share include feldman vss and pedersen vss
(2)、 one-out-of-two oblivious transform
one-out-of-n party oblivious transform
(3)、 one-out-of-two party signature using sm2, prikey is seperate into two parts, one of any pices cann't finished the sign,
partA and partB using following steps to generate signatures, but verify sign using stand gm verify signature
- step 1: partA && partB generate own prikey than output Pubkey
partA: ska , Pa = ska^(-1)*G , send Pa to PartB
partB: skb , Pubkey = skb^(-1)*Pa-G = skb^(-1)*ska^(-1)*G-G = (skb^(-1)*ska^(-1) -1)*G = d'G
d' = ((skb)^(-1))((ska)^(-1))-1)
send this Pubkey to third verifier
- step 2: When a message needs to be signed, the two participants use their prikey fragments to generate the signature fragment, and then both parties transmit the signature fragment, and one of them will combine the received data to generate the SM2 signature
partA: e = Hash(Za||M) random k1, Q1 = k1*G
send {e,Q1} to partB
partB: random k2, k3 Q2=k2*G
(x1,y1) = k3*Q1 +Q2
r = (e +x1) mod n
s2 = (skb)*(k3), s3 = skb*(r+k2) mod n
send {r ,s2, s3} to partA
partA: compute s = da*k1*s2 + da*s3 -r
if(s != 0) && (s+r != n)
output (r,s) as signature
goto partB
one-out-of-two party decrypt using sm2, prikey is seperate into two parts, one of any pices cann't finished the decrypt.
When the SM2 ciphertext needs to be decrypted, the two participants use their respective private key fragments to calculate and generate the plaintext fragment, and then both parties transmit the plaintext fragment and other auxiliary calculation data, and one of them will combine the received data to calculate and generate the decrypted plaintext:
two parts has the cipherTxt as C1||C2||C3
- Pre-condition: partA && partB generate own prikey than output Pubkey
partA: ska , Pa = ska^(-1)*G , send Pa to PartB
partB: skb , Pubkey = skb^(-1)*Pa-G
- step 1: partA use his prikey fragment ska compute Ta = ska^-1*C1 send Ta to partB
- step 2: partB use his prikey fragment skb compute Tb = skb^-1*Ta send back to partA
- step 3: partA compute (x2, y2) = Tb - C1 compute t = KDF(x2||y2,klen) than plainM = C2^t
at same time compute u = Hash(x2 || plainM || y2) == ? C3
if(u == C3) output plainM as decrypted plain else decrypted failed
(4)、 schnorr sign include single schnoor sign and multi-schnorr sign which is using to compose all signs to one sign in one block, reduced the computation of chain detail information refer to
(5)、 commitments include Hash commitment && pedersen commitment
which is using to hide the real transcation-count on the blockchain, achieved the privacy transaction
(6) sigma-protocol using to simple knowledge proof, prover show proof to verifier that she has a secret and without diplay any information about the secret , verifier verified the proof's validity to check prover has a secret about details you can visit the wiki addr =>
sigma protocol prover generate proof data using pedersen commitment
protocol for proving that Pedersen commitment C was constructed correctly which is the same as
proof of knowledge of (m,r) such that C = mG + rH.
witness: (r), statement: (C,m), The Relation R outputs 1 if c = mG + rH. The protocol:
Prover chooses A = s*H for random s
prover calculates challenge e = H(G,H,c,A,m)
prover calculates z = s + er,
prover sends pi = {e,m,A,C, z}
verifier checks that emG + zH = emG + (s+er)H = emG + sH + erH =e(mG + rH) + sH = eC + A == A + eC
(7)、 Ring Sign is based on Monero protocol ,which is based on CryptoNote
using ring signatures to hide the sender address //
using one-time pubkeys to hide the destination address.
Pv: the receiver view pubkey
Pt: the receiver spent pubkey
r: the sender choose random byte
R: the sender randon pubkey = rG
Hash: trapdoor function
==> stealth address P = Hash(r*Pv)*G + Pt
how the receiver check the one-time pubkeys is his real address?
==> according to ecdh protocol, receiver compute (Hash(svR) + st)G == P for being svR = svrG = rsvG = r*Pv
key = Hash(rPv) + st keyImage = stHash(key*G)
details infomation follow the weixin blog “Cryptocurrency”
reference list :
(8)、 blind Sign is becoming ...
Symmetric Searchable Encryption with keyword Search
Init Data: two sym keys (k1, k2) n block plainTxt{w1,w2,...,wn} n random(s1, s2,
- Step 1(Data Owner): two PRF (F, f) and Enc plainTxt Sends to Server database
foreach i in n
Xi=E(k1, wi)={Li||Ri} Ki=f(k2, Li) Ti={si || F(Ki, si)}
- Step 2(Data Inqurier): made trapdoor using sym keys(k1, k2) and keyword w (to be finded key)
X = E(k1, w)={L || R} K=f(k2,L)
send (X, K) to Server db
- Step 3(Server DB): n block cipher {C1,C2,...,Cn} Trapdoor(X, K)
foreach i in Cn
T=Ci^X = {L'i || R'i} check T is format of {s||F(K, s)}
check F(K, L'i) ==? R'iif (equal)
finded i
than send (i, Ci) or find flag to Data Inqurier
//follow step has not needed for Data Inqurier, however Data Inquried wanted to know the result of Inquiry
- Step 4(Data Inqurier): Decrypt Ci symmkeys (k1, k2) random si
let Ci = {Li || Ri} Xi = Li^si
K = f(k2, Xi) Yi = F(K, si)^Ri
{Xi || Yi} = X
plainTxt = Dec(k1, X)
(10) Asymmetry Searchable Encryption Based on implementations of pairing-based cryptosystems using the PBC library, as the following:
cloud : keyword w, random r, pubkey Pk and g
PEKS(Pk, w):
temp = e(Hash(w), Pk^r) e is Bilinear map using PBC lib
Cw = {g^r, Hash(temp)} = {A, B} -
client: prikey sk, to be searched keyword w'
Trapdoor(sk, w'):
td = Hash(w')^sk -
cloud : {td, Cw}
TestMatched(td, Cw):
Cw = {A, B} compute outd = e(td, A)
check Hash(outd) = Hash(e(td, A)) ==? B
if equal then finded w' in cloud else not finded w' in cloud
(11)、Proxy-Re-Encryptoon proxy-reencrypt is based on pubkey-cryto and DDH
We assume that there are two user: Alice && bob, Alice want to share some secure info with bob through third-party(maybe server), however Alice don't want third-party to see her plainText ,so one-of method now is Proxy-Re-Encryption(PRE)
step 1(Keypair Init): Alice && Bob gen-keypair
- pk = g^sk
- Alice: (ska, pka)
- Bob: (skb, pkb)
step 2(Encrypt and Capsule): Alice encrypt plainText with pka and generate capsule
- e,u ->Zp E = g^e , V = g^u
- s = u+e*H2(E||V)
- K = H4(pka^(e+u))
- cipherM = Enc(plainText, k)
- capsule = (E, V, s)
- Alice send capsule && cipherM to third-party
step 3(ReKeyGen) : Alice generate re-encrypt-key using her prikey
- xa->Zp , Xa = g^xa
- d = H3(Xa||pkb || pkb^xa)
- rk = ska*d^-1;
- Alice send {rk, Xa} to third-party
step 4(Re-encrypt): third-party encrypt using rk
- capsule = (E, V, s)
- if g^s = V*E^(H2(E||V)) then
- E' = E^rk , V' = V^rk
- newcapsule = (E', V', s)
- third-party send (rk, newcapsule) to Bob
step 5(Re-create-key): Bob re-create-key and decypt cipherM
- d = H3(Xa || pkb|| Xa^skb)
- K = H4((E'*V')^d)
- plain = Dec(cipherM, K)
then after the PRE , using Alice pubkey encrypted cihpher through third-party Bob can decrypt using her prikey
(11)、the Homomorphic-signature Based on SM2
the orignal SM2 signature is:
signer: keypair (sk, Pk) plain M (xA, yA) = Pk
- step 1: Za = Hash(ENTLA || DA ||a || b || xG || yG ||xA || yA) e = Hash(Za||M)
- step 2: generate random: k kG = (x1, y1)
- step 3: r = (e+x1)mod n
if (r==0) or r+k==n goto step2 - step 4: s = (1+sk)^-1 * (k-r*sk) mod n
if (s == 0) got step2
the orignal SM2 verifySign is: verifier: pubkey Pk plain M signature (r, s)
- step 1: Za = Hash(ENTLA || DA ||a || b || xG || yG ||xA || yA) e = Hash(Za||M)
- step 2: t = (r+s)mod n
if(t == 0) failed - step 3: compute Q =(x2, y2) = sG + tPk
= (k-rsk)G/(1+sk) + (r+s)skG
= (k-rsk)G/(1+sk) +rskG + (k-rsk)skG/(1+sk)
= (k-rsk + rsk*(1+sk) + (k-rsk)sk)G/(1+sk)
= (k-rsk +rsk +rsksk +ksk -rsksk)G/(1+sk)
= (k+ksk)G/(1+sk)
= kG ==(x1, y1) - step 4: compute R = (e+x2) mod n
if(R == r)
verified success
the Homomorphic-signature on SM2 is encrypted sk using Invertible functions,as following:
sk' = f(u, sk) = (u+sk) mod n
Pk' = uG +skG
u: the confusion number (May be co-compute by client with server)
- from signer step 4, replace sk with sk', we had:
r' = (e'+x1) mod n
s' = (1+sk')^-1*(k-r*sk') mod n
- from verifier step 3 replace Pk with Pk', we had:
Q = (x2, y2) = s'G +tPk' = s'G+(r'+s')(uG+sk)G