This project stores the necessary configuration and code changes needed to migrate the ICAT application from a single VM installation to multiple, smaller micro-services.
The diagram below shows the various components of ICAT and how they communicate inside the Docker network:
The following diagram shows how the various components are connected to deliver functionality with an Topcat front end.
The following diagram shows how the various components are connected to deliver functionality with an SciGateWay front end.
Docker is needed to run the ICAT suite of micro-services (see this information on getting started with Docker).
Google Chrome is needed to be able to log into Topcat.
Once the repository has been checked out, in a terminal, navigate to the folder holding the docker-compose.yaml
git clone
cd icat-cloud-native-migration
Then, the docker-compose commands to run are:
docker-compose up --build
. To start the stack (this process will take some time to create all of the dockerised components) -
docker-compose down
. To destroy the stack -
ℹ️ Note: run
docker system prune -a
to remove all images and containers
Once running, the database can be logged into by either:
using the adminer UI tool at http://localhost:8080/ using credentials:
- Server = icat_mariadb_container
- Username = root
- password = pw
- Database = icatdb
logging into using mysql:
mysql -h -P 3307 --protocol=TCP -u root -p
Once running, the database can be logged into by either:
using the adminer UI tool at http://localhost:8080/ using credentials:
- Server = topcat_mariadb_container
- Username = root
- password = pw
- Database = topcat
logging into using mysql:
mysql -h -P 2307 --protocol=TCP -u root -p
Once running, the container can logged into by either:
using the Payara UI tool at https://localhost:14747/ using username/password: admin/admin
docker exec -it icat_payara_container bash
is the name of the running container, -
the version can be checked by going to https://localhost:18181/icat/version
Once running, the container can logged into by either:
using the Payara UI tool at https://localhost:24747/ using username/password: admin/admin
docker exec -it auth_payara_container bash
is the name of the running container. -
the version can be checked by going to https://localhost:28181/authn.simple/version/
Once running, the container can logged into by either:
using the Payara UI tool at https://localhost:34747/ using username/password: admin/admin
docker exec -it ids_payara_container bash
is the name of the running container. -
the version can be checked by going to https://localhost:38181/ids/version/
Once running, the container can logged into by either:
using the Payara UI tool at https://localhost:44747/ using username/password: admin/admin
docker exec -it lucene_payara_container bash
is the name of the running container. -
the version can be checked by going to https://localhost:48181/icat.lucene/version
Once running, the container can logged into by either:
using the Payara UI tool at https://localhost:54747/ using username/password: admin/admin
docker exec -it topcat_payara_container bash
is the name of the running container. -
the version can be checked by going to https://localhost:58181/topcat/version/
The Topcat web interface can be access by going to https://localhost:58181/
Authentication type: simple
username: root
Password: pw
Scigateway can also be used as a front end, in addition to Topcat.
- Once running , can be accessed through http://localhost:3000/
- username: root
- Password: pw
These services consist of:
- scigateway-auth available on port 5010
- scigateway available on port 3000
- datgateway_dataview available on port 8081
- datgateway_download available on port 8082
- datgateway_search available on port 8083
- datgateway_api available on port 5052
- Needs a version of icat up and running before it starts
A separate container has been created to assist in adding some test data to be able to test the stack. Using the docker-compose healthcheck
feature, it waits for the necessary tables to exist in the ICAT database before injecting some random test data. Once it has done this, it stops and the container is exited. This happens automatically when starting the docker-compose
ℹ️ Note that stopping and starting the suite of containers in docker-compose
may cause certain errors to appear in the output, this is due to the applications trying to re-create tables where they already exist.
Due to the various inter-dependancies, the following containers are needed In order to get a minimal icat stack up and running:
- Icat.server
- Authenticator
- Icat Maria db
As well as viewing the data through the Topcat or SciGateWay UI interface, curl can also be used to query ICAT directly from your local machine.
curl -k --data 'json={"plugin":"simple", "credentials": [{"username":"root"}, {"password": "pw"}]}' -w'\n' https://localhost:18181/icat/session
to get session id -
curl -k --data "sessionId=[session id returned above]" --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT, df.location, df.fileSize FROM Datafile df where df.fileSize < 10000000' --data "max=10" -w'\n' --get https://localhost:18181/icat/jpql
Should return something like:
Count at least 5: [Datafile 39, /quite/minute/tough.gif, 6524978], [Datafile 48, /would/property/thousand.gif, 8998381], [Datafile 80, /poor/employee/dog.png, 5867347], [Datafile 82, /majority/win/interest.jpeg, 9014859], [Datafile 111, /remember/important/show.bmp, 9945264], [Datafile 114, /some/moment/population.bmp, 9172904], [Datafile 128, /skin/before/hundred.gif, 4223615], [Datafile 144, /campaign/from/me.tiff, 2387460], [Datafile 174, /structure/heart/particularly.tiff, 6980368], [Datafile 185, /fill/picture/yes.png, 246115]
The table below shows how the various components of icat can be accessed both internally to the docker network and externally from our host machines. Internal URLs can be used to ping one service from within another, external URLs can be used to ping services from our machine.
ℹ️ The internal URL's are mapped to container names and are set in the docker-compose file. The database urls cannot be accessed directly over https in the browser.
ℹ️ Scigateway and Topcat are currently only accessible through Google Chrome.
Service | Internal URL | Payara Admin URL | App URL |
ICAT server | http://icat_payara_container:8080 | https://localhost:14747/ | https://localhost:18181/icat/version |
Auth Service | http://auth_payara_container:8080 | https://localhost:24747/ | https://localhost:28181/authn.simple/version/ |
IDS Service | http://ids_payara_container:8080 | https://localhost:34747/ | https://localhost:38181/ids/version/ |
Lucene Service | http://lucene_payara_container:8080 | https://localhost:44747/ | https://localhost:48181/icat.lucene/version |
Topcat | Not used | https://localhost:54747/ | https://localhost:58181/ |
ICAT server database | http://icat_mariadb_container:3306/icatdb | https://localhost:3306/ | |
Topcat database | http://topcat_mariadb_container:3306/topcat | https://localhost:2306/ | |
Scigateway | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:3000/ |
Scigateway Auth | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:5010/authenticators/ |
Datgateway Dataview Plugin | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:8081/main.js |
Datgateway Download Plugin | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:8082/main.js |
Datgateway Search Plugin | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:8083/main.js |
Datgateway API | Not used | Not used | http://localhost:5020/ping/ |
For now, there are two types of configuration to make:
Image configuration: sets up the files and system properties the service needs to create the base image. This includes things like the web.xml and and any JVM settings to make.
Container configuration: this is applied when the container is created and typically includes urls of other docker services, things that only exist once they have been started.
This might be handy to debug any connection problems. For example; if we wanted to check that the ICAT container can see the IDS container, we could:
Log into the ICAT container:
docker exec -it icat_payara_container bash
docker exec -t -i scigateway_container /bin/sh
for a node container -
Get the version of the auth service:
curl -k https://auth_payara_container:8181/authn.simple/version/
curl http://auth_payara_container:8080/authn.simple/version/