Assignment 3 part 1 for 10-703 Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control - CMU
This repository contains 2 Python scripts for solving the LunarLander-v2 openai gym environment using deep reinforcement learning algorithms: REINFORCE algorithm (without baseline) is found in; N-step Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm found in
Note: current implementation of contains critic network model parameters specific to n=1 a2c algorithm (namely, 30x30x30 MLP instead of 20x20x20 MLP used for n=20, 50, and 100).
usage: [-h] [--model-config-path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH]
[--num-episodes NUM_EPISODES] [--lr LR]
[--render | --no-render]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model-config-path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH
Path to the model config file.
--num-episodes NUM_EPISODES
Number of episodes to train on.
--lr LR The learning rate.
--render Whether to render the environment.
--no-render Whether to render the environment.
usage: [-h] [--model-config-path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH]
[--num-episodes NUM_EPISODES] [--lr LR] [--critic-lr CRITIC_LR]
[--n N] [--render | --no-render]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model-config-path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH
Path to the actor model config file.
--num-episodes NUM_EPISODES
Number of episodes to train on.
--lr LR The actor's learning rate.
--critic-lr CRITIC_LR
The critic's learning rate.
--n N The value of N in N-step A2C.
--render Whether to render the environment.
--no-render Whether to render the environment.