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Running a Windows deployment


This scenario considers the provisioning of a sample Windows based instance, accessing it over a public routable IP using remote desktop protocol

VPC Functional Coverage

Function Result Notes
Floating IPv4
Subnet & BYO Private IP
Dedicated VSI support
Multiple Network Interfaces in VSI
Windows VSI support
Security groups
Multiple Network Interfaces in VSI


To deploy this scenario using CLI follow instructions in this page, otherwise, click the links below to deploy this scenario using a different methodology.

Documented Steps VPC infrastructure


  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI
  2. Have access to a public SSH key.
  3. Install the vpc-infrastructure plugin.
    $ ibmcloud plugin install vpc-infrastructure

Login to IBM Cloud

For a federated account use single sign on:
$ ibmcloud login -sso
Otherwise use the default login:
$ ibmcloud login
If you have an API Key, use --apikey:
$ ibmcloud login --apikey [your API Key]

1. Create the base VPC

ibmcloud is vpc-create WEB-DEMO --default
###### Parameters: Name, default
Creating vpc WEB-DEMO in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...

ID                       a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a   
Name                     WEB-DEMO   
Default                  yes   
Default Network ACL      allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)   
Default Security Group   -   
Resource Group           (e1d6e82017384baba3ecfb33f3f6a12c)   
Created                  5 seconds ago   
Status                   available

2. Create the base subnet

ibmcloud is subnet-create WEB a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a us-south-1 --ipv4-cidr-block
###### Parameters: Name, VPC-ID, Region, IPV4-block
Creating Subnet WEB in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...

ID               5f09dce3-72fd-469e-a110-648fcc23cd9f   
Name             WEB   
IPv*             ipv4   
IPv4 CIDR   
IPv6 CIDR        -   
Addr available   251   
Addr Total       256   
ACL              allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)   
Gateway          -   
Created          2 seconds ago   
Status           pending   
Zone             us-south-1   
VPC              WEB-DEMO(a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a)   
Resource Group   -  

Create an SSH Key

An SSH key is required when creating a VPC instance. Copy the ssh public key you wish to use to and call the key-create command to load it to the VPC environment. Remember the key id for later use.

$ ibmcloud is key-create vpc1-key
Creating key vpc1-key under account Phillip Trent's Account as user [email protected]...

ID            636f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000014087d
Name          vpc1-key
Type          rsa
Length        2048
FingerPrint   SHA256:sAu2DF1zXNJQ99XghxZo7DXFXpPFO3PwWjY5a03VIPI
Key           ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1BBBBBByc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnbhYSnc8DGQF3A3MR3zLynU4FF8UVVBjnctc3RTeNmWoRny4AJLpI06G9dlmC15QBzDMrNfy0srZnh/YMFlHcN5C73VbLdUJMj0QOqxYSPZgvKKKKrKlBn1WDjigOseO2/NmKIgk3d7lz/iEtkCNlNjNcRPWs3pPkh0NPxIMqsIwvxeWTVsv0OFktKAUA1uXvSFjx4JJRw7hy6tvgJVScbP2Mc2539pxGxiSAMNcqmHFWCQJhwIL2yHJiIcbZ33BDC1BbGg8XReCv0ZVmfXgSs+zuhJb9hDoVCElVDbzXaKs64zMREpy1NUzYQk4o9iahwLXp8gI8qOCzBx [email protected]

Created       1 second ago

4. Create the base instance for Windows deployment

ibmcloud is instance-create WEB01 a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a us-south-1 b-4x16 5f09dce3-72fd-469e-a110-648fcc23cd9f 1000 --image-id cc8debe0-1b30-6e37-2e13-744bfb2a0c11 --key-ids 636f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000014087d
Creating instance WEB01 in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...
###### Parameters: Name, VPC-ID, Region, Flavor, subnet, Network Speed, image-id, key-id

ID                6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef   
Name              WEB01   
Profile           b-4x16   
CPU Arch          amd64   
CPU Cores         4   
CPU Frequency     2000   
Memory            16   
Primary Intf      primary(8ba85a22-9f03-4291-8d6a-cddf03de181b)   
Primary Address   
Image             centos-7.x-amd64(cc8debe0-1b30-6e37-2e13-744bfb2a0c11)   
Status            pending   
Created           9 seconds ago   
VPC               WEB-DEMO(a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a)   
Zone              us-south-1   
Resource Group    -   
macbook-pro:bin earias

5. Reserve a floating IP for connectivity

ibmcloud is  floating-ip-reserve WEB01-eth0 --zone us-south-1
Creating floating IP WEB01-eth0 in resource group default under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...
###### Parameters: Name, region

ID               e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a   
Name             WEB01-eth0   
Target           -   
Target Type      -   
Target IP           
Created          now   
Status           pending   
Zone             us-south-1   
Resource Group   -   
Tags             -   

6. Assign the floating IP to the instance that is going to host the web services

ibmcloud is instance-network-interface-floating-ip-add 6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef 8ba85a22-9f03-4291-8d6a-cddf03de181b e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a
Creating floatingip e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a for instance 6e792d46-8c90-4288-89ac-4447ad46b2ef under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...
###### Parameters: Instance-id, Instance-interface-id, floating-ip-id

ID               e136da39-d05d-49b6-82f4-008c9b3bdc7a   
Name             WEB01-eth0   
Target           primary(8ba85a22-.)   
Target Type      intf   
Target IP   
Created          9 minutes ago   
Status           available   
Zone             us-south-1   
Resource Group   -   
Tags             -   

7. Check security groups attached to VPC circuit

ibmcloud is vpc a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a
Getting vpc a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...
#### Parameters: VPC-id

ID                       a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a   
Name                     WEB-DEMO   
Default                  yes   
Default Network ACL      allow-all-network-acl-a15040d1-8e16-4f3c-bcfb-942b3948d07a(6d1b4afd-1ea6-41ec-8538-7c867e78c7c1)   
Default Security Group   vertigo-underpaid-expire-remarry-pupil-unsaved(2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485)   
Resource Group           (e1d6e82017384baba3ecfb33f3f6a12c)   
Created                  2 days ago   
Status                   available  

8. Check current rules for security groups in the VPC (Remote desktop protocol port is 3389)

ibmcloud is security-group-rules 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485
Listing rules of security group 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...
ID                                     Direction   IPv*   Protocol                      Remote   
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002259937   inbound     ipv4   tcp Ports:Min=3389,Max=3389   
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002251885   inbound     ipv4   all                           vertigo-underpaid-expire-remarry-pupil-unsaved(2d364f0a-.)   
b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002251797   outbound    ipv4   all

In case that the port is not open, use the following example to open the necessary port:

ibmcloud is security-group-rule-add 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 inbound tcp --port-max 23 --port-min 23 --ip-version ipv4
Creating rule for security group 2d364f0a-a870-42c3-a554-000001153485 under account IBM - Mac's Org as user [email protected]...

#### Parameters: security-group-id, DIRECTION PROTOCOL, Max destination port, Min destination port, IP version

ID                     b597cff2-38e8-4e6e-999d-000002275001   
Direction              inbound   
IPv*                   ipv4   
Protocol               tcp   
Min Destination Port   23   
Max Destination Port   23   
Remote                 -  

9. Connect to the instance using Remote Desktop protocol using the floating IP as target. To properly connect the

  • Get encrypted password from UI and saved to a file
  • decode it using:
cat UI_PASSWORD_FILE  | base64 --decode > decoded_base64_password_file

Decrypt it using the SSH key used to create the instance:

 openssl pkeyutl -in decoded_base64_password_file -decrypt -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 > finalpass
cat finalpass

Error Scenarios

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VPC documentation


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