Basic rate-limiting middleware for Express using Redis. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints.
$ npm install express-redis-limit-req
const RateLimit = require("express-redis-limit-req");
const limiter = RateLimit({
redisURL: "redis://", // redis connection url
expiration: 3600, // 1 hour
max: 10, // limit each IP to 10 requests per expiration
message: "Too many requests.", // Message that should be sent back to the user, Default is Too many request
statusCode: 429, // Status code to be returned. Default is 429
whiteList: [,] // Whitelist IP address for unlimited requests
// apply to all requests
- redisURL: Redis connection URL
- expiration: second - how long each rate limiting IP address exists for
- max: Max number of connections during expiration before sending a 429 response.
- message: Error message sent to user when max is exceeded. Defaults to 'Too many requests.'
- statusCode: HTTP status code returned when max is exceeded. Defaults to
. - whiteList: WhiteList some specified IP address for unlimited requests.
MIT © Olohundare Nasirudeen