Evaulates strength of password entered by user using Machine learning models.
Live at: https://password-se.herokuapp.com/
To run this project
- Create a virtual environment like
virtualenv venv37 -p python3
Activate the environment
If linux:
sourve venv37/bin/activate
If Windows, go inside venv37\Scripts folder using terminal and run activate
- Install all required libaries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Jupyter notebook steps:
- If you already have jupyter notebook installed, then on terminal, run:
jupyter notebook
If jupyter is not installed follow either of these steps:
Then run each line of jupyter notebook so our model is created
If you don't want to run jupyter notebook steps, I have already created models and they are saved in repo having names vectorizer.pkl and xgb_classifier.pkl
With virtual environment actiavated in the terminal run
python main.py
Frontend: HTML, Css, JavaScipt, Jinja
Backend: Python with Flask, Jupyter Notebook
Server: Heroku