Retrieve and process race data from a web datasource, JSON file or spreadsheet.
python scrape input_source [RACE_ID [RACE_ID ...]] \
[-c, --club CLUB] \
[-e, --entity ENTITY] \
[-f, --flag FLAG] \
[-y, --year YEAR] \
[-sy, --start-year YEAR] \
[-t, --table TABLE] \
[-g, --gender] \
[-ca, --category CATEGORY] \
[--sheet-id SHEET_ID] \
[--sheet-name SHEET_NAME] \
[--file-path FILE_PATH] \
[-i, --ignore ID [ID ...]] \
[-w, --last-weekend] \
[--force-gender] \
[--force-category] \
[--save-old] \
[-o, --output OUTPUT]
# positional arguments:
# input_source name of the Datasource or path to import data from.
# race_ids raceIDs to find in the source and ingest.
# options:
# -c CLUB, --club CLUB
# clubID for which races should be imported.
# -e ENTITY, --entity ENTITY
# entityID for which races should be imported.
# -f FLAG, --flag FLAG
# flagID for which races should be imported.
# -y YEAR, --year YEAR year for which races should be imported, 'all' to import from the source beginnig.
# -sy START_YEAR, --start-year START_YEAR
# year for which we should start processing years. Only used with year='all'.
# --sheet-id SHEET_ID
# google-sheet ID used for TABULAR datasource.
# --sheet-name SHEET_NAME
# google-sheet name used for TABULAR datasource.
# --file-path FILE_PATH
# sheet file path used for TABULAR datasource.
# -t TABLE, --table TABLE
# table of the race for multipage races.
# -g GENDER, --gender GENDER
# gender filter.
# -ca CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
# category filter.
# -i [IGNORE ...], --ignore [IGNORE ...]
# raceIDs to ignore during ingestion.
# -w, --last-weekend
# fetches the races for the last weekend.
# --force-gender
# forces the gender to match.
# --force-category
# forces the category to match.
# --save-old
# automatically saves the races before 2003 without asking.
# -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
# Outputs the race data to the given folder path in JSON format.
# Scrape last weekend races from the LGT datasource forcing the gender and category match in the DB.
python scrape lgt -w --force-gender --force-category
Recheck the already full imported flags to find new races.
python scrape datasource \
[-f, --flag FLAG] \
[-g, --gender] \
[-ca, --category CATEGORY] \
[--check-participants] \
[--force-gender] \
# positional arguments:
# datasource name of the Datasource.
# options:
# -f FLAG, --flag FLAG
# flagID for which races should be imported.
# -g GENDER, --gender GENDER
# gender filter.
# -ca CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
# category filter.
# --check-participants
# checks if the number of participants matches.
# --force-gender
# forces the gender to match.
# --force-category
# forces the category to match.
Use boxplot graphs to visualize each year speeds.
python plot type \
[-i, --index INDEX] \
[-c, --club CLUB_ID] \
[-l, --league LEAGUE_ID] \
[-f, --flag FLAG_ID] \
[-g, --gender GENDER] \
[-ca, --category CATEGORY] \
[-y, --years YEARS] \
[-d, --day DAY] \
[-n, --normalize] \
[--leagues-only] \
[--branch-teams] \
[-o, --output FILE]
# positional arguments:
# type plot type ['boxplot', 'line', 'nth'].
# options:
# -i INDEX, --index INDEX
# position to plot the speeds in 'nth' charts.
# -c CLUB, --club CLUB
# club ID for which to load the data.
# -l LEAGUE, --league LEAGUE
# league ID for which to load the data.
# -f FLAG, --flag FLAG
# flag ID for which to load the data.
# -g GENDER, --gender GENDER
# gender filter.
# -ca CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
# category filter.
# -y [YEARS ...], --years [YEARS ...]
# years to include in the data.
# -d DAY, --day DAY
# day of the race for multiday races.
# --leagues-only
# only races from a league.
# --branch-teams
# filter only branch teams.
# -n, --normalize
# exclude outliers based on the speeds' standard deviation.
# -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
# saves the output plot.
# Plot the winner speed of each race for the league 5 in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
# The plot will be saved in the Downloads folder with the name test.png.
python plot nth --league 5 -i 1 -y 2015 2016 2017 2018 -o ~/Downloads/p.png
# Plot the normalized league speeds of the Puebla team for all the years.
python plot -c 25 --leagues-only -n -o ~/Downloads/p.png
# Plot all AVG speeds per year for the league 5.
python plot --league 5 -o ~/Downloads/p.png
# Plot the speeds of the Puebla team for the league 5 in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
python plot line -c 25 --league 5 -y 2021 2022 2023 -o ~/Downloads/p.png
# Plot the speeds of the Puebla team for the flag 12 in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
python plot line -f 12 -y 2021 2022 2023 -o ~/Downloads/p.png
# Plot all leagues AVG speeds per year.
# The plot will be saved in the Downloads folder with a generated name.
parallel -j 11 python plot --league {} -o ~/Downloads/l{}.png ::: $(seq 1 11)
Default .env
python dumpdata > <name>.yaml --format yaml --exclude admin.logentry --exclude auth --exclude sessions --exclude contenttypes
python dumpdata races.race --pks=<PK> > race.json
python dumpdata participants.participant --pks=<PK1,PK2,...> > participants.json
jq -s '.[0] + .[1]' race.json participants.json > combined.json
jq -s '.[0] + .[1]' fixtures/frozen-db.json combined.json > copy.json
mv copy.json fixtures/frozen-db.json
rm race.json participants.json combined.json