- zsh
- X11
- pulseaudio
- vim
- qtile
- alacritty
- surf
- ungoogled chromium
- vimb (web browser)
- albert-bin (command line) Switching to dmenu
- deepin-screenshot (screenshots)
- scrot (cli screenshot)
- keepassxc (password manager)
- ubuntu-characters (emoji keyboard)
- emote (emoji keyboard)
- grip (realtime .md renderer)
- Adblock Plus
- Chromium Web Store how to set up
- SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip Sponsorships
- AutoScroll
- KeePassXC-Browser
$ cd dotfiles
$ ./install.sh
$ zsh
- Autostart programms are configured here
- HotKeys are binded kere
- Aliases are set here
in "Aliases" section