What ? | Label | EBR ID |
Name | The "Ecosystem Mapping" Initiative | #1675 |
Description | Propose a Model for answering __key questions__ about any Ecosystem : WHO ? Does WHAT ? HOW ? For WHAT ? & WHY ? | N/A |
Deliverable | Ecosystem Mapping Model (E2M) | #1427 |
Tags | #EcosystemMapping #SemanticCartography #MapYourEnvironment #EffectuationMethodology #CompetitiveWatch #ProductWatch #MarketWatch #TechnologyWatch #ProductLifecycleManagement | N/A |
Domain | Semantic Cartography of Ecosystems | N/A |
Used By (model) | Entangled Bootstrap (#DistributedWeb & #SemanticTechnologies) | #1674 |
Uses (model) | Prism (Semantic Cartography) | #1676 |
Uses (model) | Rhizome (Generic Fully Distributed Semantic-Driven Application) | #1886 |
Uses (model) | Th3Sr1b3Pr0j3ct (Onto-Terminology) | #1677 |
Telegram | https://t.me/EcosystemMapping | N/A |
Big Picture | SEAMLESS. See Overview | #1671 |
Note : EBR ID allows to semantically navigate in the Topincs-powered "Entangled Bootstrap" Repository
Mapping the environment in which we are currently evolving (or the one in which we wish to evolve in the future) allow us :
- to have both a global and detailed vision about it
- to be able to better act on it
"When the Map and the Territory disagree ; believe the Territory" - Swiss Army Manual
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