Json database for rapid prototyping, The JsonDB is a wrapper on top of levelup to store and share Json objects.
you instance a JSonDB on the server like that :
var jsondb = require('level-jsondb'),
levelup = require('level');
var db = jsondb(levelup('path_to_where_store_data');
You generaly NEVER use directly the database for querying/inserting data, but use View :
var myView = db.view('my/path');
View methods :
* value: function value(callback)
retrieve the value from the current node :
myView.value(function (err, data) {
//err is null if no error
//data contains the value
the `callback` will be called each time the value change
* bind: function bind(callback)
retrieve the value from the current node, the `callback` will be called each time the value change
myView.bind(function (err, data) {
//err is null if no error
//data contains the value
* set: function set(data, callback)
set the current node value
* push: function push(data, callback)
push data on the current node value (the node value is now an array)
* splice: function splice(index, callback)
remove an index from the node array
remove index 2 from the array
* get: function subview(url)
get a subview
* addChangeListener(callback)
add a listener that is called when change occur at this node
* removeChangeListener(callback)
remove a listener
* removeAllChangeListeners()
remove all listeners
* dispose: function dispose()
dispose the view