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hyqneuron edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 1 revision

How to build asfermi

The makefile is /trunk/generated.txt If you need windows binary please contact the author at hyq.neuron at

How to Execute Cubin Kernels

The standard approach is to use CUDA driver API calls to load the cubin module and then launch the desired kernel. The following code snippet demonstrates how to do that:

void muRC(int position, CUresult result)
		printf("Success at %i\n", position);
		printf("Error at %i:%s\n", position, muGetErrorString(result)); 
//definition of muGetErrorString can be found at
int main()
	CUdeviceptr gpu_output;
	CUdevice device;
	CUcontext context;

	muRC(100, cuInit(0));
	muRC(95, cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
	muRC(92, cuCtxCreate(&context, CU_CTX_SCHED_SPIN, device));
	muRC(90, cuMemAlloc(&gpu_output, size));

	CUmodule module;
	CUfunction kernel;
	CUresult result = cuModuleLoad(&module, "cubin_file_name");
	muRC(0 , result);
	result = cuModuleGetFunction(&kernel, module, "kernel_name");
	muRC(1, result); 
	int param = 0x1010;
	//specify the parameters to be passed to the kernel
	muRC(2, cuParamSetSize(kernel, 20));
	muRC(3, cuParamSetv(kernel, 0, &gpu_output, 8));
	muRC(3, cuParamSetv(kernel, 16, &param, 4));
	muRC(4, cuFuncSetBlockShape(kernel, tcount,1,1));

	muRC(5, cuLaunch(kernel));

	muRC(6, cuMemcpyDtoH(cpu_output, gpu_output, size));
	muRC(7, cuCtxSynchronize());
	// process output
	// ...
	muRC(8, cuModuleUnload(module));
	muRC(9, cuMemFree(gpu_output));
	muRC(10, cuCtxDestroy(context));
	delete[] cpu_output;
	return 0;

For more information please refer to CUDA API reference.

Special registers

%tid.x:   S2R Rx, SR_Tid_X;
%tid.y:   S2R Rx, SR_Tid_Y;
%tid.z:   S2R Rx, SR_Tid_Z;
%landid:  S2R Rx, SR_LandId;
%ctaid.x: S2R Rx, SR_CTAid_X;
%ctaid.y: S2R Rx, SR_CTAid_Y;
%ctaid.z: S2R Rx, SR_CTAid_Z;
%smid:    S2R Rx, SR_VirtId;
          BFE Rx, Rx, 0x914;
%nsmid:   S2R Rx, SR_VirtCfg;
          BFE Rx, Rx, 0x914;
%clock:   S2R Rx, SR_ClockLo;

Note that clock number obtained is scheduler clock number.

More special registers: OpcodeMiscellaneous#S2R

MOV R1, c[0x1][0x100]

This instruction appears at the beginning of all ptxas/nvcc-generated cubins. C[0x1][0x100] is the initial stack top and local window top. NVCC/PTXAS use its content to initialize the virtual SP register (and of course to access local variables) in global functions and R1 is always the current virtual SP passed to device function. the Local window/stack is alway 32-bit (actually it's 24-bit) in both 32-bit/64-bit device code. the stack is top-down growing. (description contributed by Sun HuanHuan)

MOV R0, c[0x0][0x20]

A kernel's parameter window starts at c[0x0][0x20] and can be at most 256-byte wide. The instruction MOV R0, c[0x0][0x20] Loads the first 4 bytes of the parameters passed in to R0.


RZ means either 'no register' or 'value zero'.


pt means either 'no predicate' or 'predicate true'

Working with 64-bit platform

A full address is 64-bit and requires 2 MOV to complete the loading. ST.E will then be used to store any value to an address. Eg:

//store 0x1234 to address specified in the first 8-byte parameter
MOV R0, c[0x0][0x20];
MOV R1, c[0x0][0x24];
MOV R2, 0x1234;
ST.E [R0], R2;

Note that ST.E R1 will almost always generate kernel launch error. The reason for this is not yet known.

How to get clock count

See #Special_registers

Instruction not supported

When trying to reassemble the output of cuobjdump, if asfermi says that some instruction is not supported, here's what you can do:

  1. Use other instructions to simulate it
  2. Copy the hex dump of the instruction and use the RawInstruction directive
  3. Email me and tell me that you want to see the support for that instruction.