[ POC ] / [ WIP ] Java implementation of monero anon swaps suite
This is an experimental Spring Boot Application that utilizes LND hold invoices
If successfully settled the equivalent amount in Monero or Bitcoin is sent
- Run as Spring Boot App from your favorite IDE or do
mvn clean install && java -jar target/mass-x.x.x.jar
- The
can be configured as needed. - Run bitcoind on regtest
- Setup LND nodes for invoice generation and settling. *Polar is a cool tool! See LND Reference API for documentation.
- Run Monero on two stagenet servers. Get those lovely piconeros at the Stagenet Faucet or by mining.
- H2 db runs at host/h2-console.
- Currently working on Bitcoin core 0.21, LND 0.13.x, Fedora 34, Java 11, Maven 3.6 and Monero 0.17.2
NOTE: currently have an issue with Monero digest authentication rpc calls, so use --disable-rpc-login
~/monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.17.2.3/monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port=18083 --wallet-dir=/home/USER/Monero/wallets/mass/ --disable-rpc-login --stagenet
see docker.md
see api.md
MASS uses JUnit5 - junit-jupiter framework
Run mvn clean install
from the root directory
View test coverage with web browser ./target/site/jacoco/index.htm
MASS works well with the Glowroot open-source project
- Extract the zip to your home directory
- Run MASS with
java -javaagent:/home/USER/glowroot/glowroot.jar -jar target/mass-x.x.x-beta.jar
- Application performance dashboard is located at
See milestones
- Styling
- MASS uses prettier pre-commit hooks
- Install Node.js 10+
- run
npm install
from the root directory
- Fork and open pr.
- Working code is underrated