- To use VenueWidget need last jQuery lib version from http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js
- Put the jquery.min.js file on to HTML document
- Make sure you have jQuery lib added
- You need to set a couple of parameters api_token(your secret api token), account(your account id number) & div_id(the name of div where you draw the table)
- Put the VenueWidget.js file on to HTML document
- The code should look like that:
<script src="jquery.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
VenueConfig = new Object();
VenueConfig.api_token = "HERE_YOUR_API_TOKEN"; //example '02AFRET3T6A961Q53'
VenueConfig.account = 'HERE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID'; //example '12345'
VenueConfig.div_id = 'HERE_ID_OF_DIV_WHERE_YOU_DRAW_THE_TABLE'; //example 'my_div'
<script src="VenueWidget.js" charset="utf-8"></script>