Mobile application for Yakosa Project, using Flutter Framework (DART).
- main.dart : Main file called when starting the application
- main_debug.dart : Debug Main file used to start the application with different variables
- routes.dart : Dedicated file for screens routing
- screens/ : One file per screen, containing only the layout and including components
- components/ : One dir per screen for components
- common/ : Contains every UI components used in more than one screen or component
- utils/ : Every files needed for computing/processing
From the root of the project :
$ flutter packages get $ flutter pub run build_runner build $ flutter run
When Flutter is running :
- use the "r" or "R" key to reload or hot reload the app
- use the "q" key to quit the app
To launch flutter with the local backend ( use:
$ flutter run -t lib/main_debug.dart