- Java 8
- Gradle
- Node 8 or above
- Visual Studio Code (or other IDE for Node)
- Git
There are 3 main pieces of software to be setup:
- An Angular UI
- An API that our UI will hit
- Protractor and Webdriver manager that will allow you to run your test
Follow the instructions below and you should be able to have a single test run in chrome.
NOTICE: IF you are behind a corporate proxy, please see section below to allow the following installs and builds to work
On the command line:-
- Install the Angular CLI:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Clone or download Angular Realworld Example App
- Then start the application
cd angular-realworld-example-app
npm install
ng serve
- Navigate to
If this doesn't work, perform the following steps:
- Add
to the end of your Path - Then run
npm run ng serve
- Clone or download Springboot Realworld Example App Then start the application:
cd spring-boot-realworld-example-app
- Mac:
./gradlew bootRun
- Windows:
gradle bootRun
- Install protractor globally:
npm install -g protractor
- Run WebDriver manager update:
webdriver-manager update
- Sign up as a new user (at
) using a dummy email and password - Add this email and password to params section of protractor.conf.js
- In command line, run
protractor protractor.conf.js
If you're behind a proxy you may have to do set proxy information:
- npm config set proxy http://username:password@proxy-server-url:port
- npm config set https-proxy http://username:password@proxy-server-url:port
Create a gradle.properties file at top level of project with the values filled in for your proxy information and username and password.
set HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy-server-url:port
set HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy-server-url:port
The example application is a social blogging site (i.e. a Medium.com clone) called "Conduit".
The general page breakdown looks like this:
- Home page (URL: /#/ )
- List of tags
- List of articles pulled from either Feed, Global, or by Tag
- Pagination for list of articles
- Sign in/Sign up pages (URL: /#/login, /#/register )
- Uses JWT (store the token in localStorage)
- Authentication can be easily switched to session/cookie based
- Settings page (URL: /#/settings )
- Editor page to create/edit articles (URL: /#/editor, /#/editor/article-slug-here )
- Article page (URL: /#/article/article-slug-here )
- Delete article button (only shown to article's author)
- Render markdown from server client side
- Comments section at bottom of page
- Delete comment button (only shown to comment's author)
- Profile page (URL: /#/profile/:username, /#/profile/:username/favorites )
- Show basic user info
- List of articles populated from author's created articles or author's favorited articles